CTDC is launching new Global dataset with harmonized data from counter-trafficking organizations around the world for more easy & reliable data on human trafficking.
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Since April 2023, people in Sudan continue to face all forms of protection concerns and a worsening protection crisis, with women, girls, men and boys in situations of vulnerability experiencing the worst consequences. Approximately 2.3 million people have fled to neighbouring countries namely, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, and...
Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10...
Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10...
Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10...
Humanitarian crises may exacerbate pre-existing trafficking trends and give rise to new ones. To this end, IOM developed this unique e-learning for audiences who may be familiar with humanitarian responses but are less familiar with anti-trafficking interventions in humanitarian responses. The course is available in English and should be informative to...
IOM developed this unique e-learning course for Humanitarian Personnel which can include Government entities, UN agencies, international and local NGOs, that respond to humanitarian crises. It is designed for audiences who may be familiar with humanitarian responses but are unfamiliar with anti-trafficking interventions in humanitarian responses. The course...
In this interactive-video course, learners will step into the shoes of CCCM and Shelter practitioners tasked with addressing issues such as tenure verification (due diligence), property restitution for returnees and women’s access to land rights. Housing, land, and property (HLP) issues are among the most pressing challenges faced by humanitarian...
This course is designed to equip IOM personnel involved or interested in counter-trafficking, protection and beyond with the core knowledge and essential skills to effectively address this global phenomenon, respond to its challenges and safeguard the rights of trafficked persons. The course is free and available for IOM personnel (in English) all year.
This report is a part of UNIDIR’s Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) initiative, run in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) & other agencies. It explores the experiences of Iraqis repatriated to their home country after spending time in the Al Hol Camp in Syria. It is based on original qualitative research and surveys...
The report provides a detailed account of the return and reintegration experiences of Iraqis coming back to their homeland after years in Al Hol Camp. This research builds on prior studies carried out by UNIDIR’s Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) in 2022, run in partnership with IOM Iraq, UNDP Iraq, and the Swiss FDFA. The report is based on...
The situational update highlights developments at both the national and EU levels regarding the protection of asylum applicants who are victims of human trafficking. Asylum seekers, refugees, and other forcibly displaced individuals are particularly vulnerable to trafficking due to their precarious circumstances, necessitating special attention and...
The Eastern and Horn of Africa region is one of the world’s most dynamic areas in terms of migration, driven by a complex interplay of economic, social, and security factors. Migrants and mobile populations in this region face numerous challenges in accessing essential healthcare services, including the absence of migrant-inclusive healthcare laws and...
ICAT released its 2023 Annual Report, summarizing the different activities implemented in the year and results obtained.
The 2023 Annual Report of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT) highlights the significant efforts made in the global fight against human trafficking under the co-chairmanship of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against...
The Factsheet is an overview of trends in 2023 concerning migrant and refugee children arriving in Europe via mixed migration routes. The report provides detailed statistics and analysis on accompanied, unaccompanied, and separated children arriving in countries such as Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus, and Malta. Key highlights: In 2023, 55,700...
With an emphasis on protecting the rights of women and girls in communities impacted by extractive industries, the project "Enhancing the Response to Gender-Based Violence and Trafficking in Persons in the Solomon Islands" seeks to support ongoing initiatives to address gender-based violence (GBV) and trafficking in persons (TIP) in the Solomon Islands. In...
This project evaluation report examines the resources and initiatives used to increase foster carers' ability to care for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the UK who are identified as victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, including Vietnamese, Albanian, and other ethnic groups. These comprise resources that educate youth about foster care...
The fourth volume of Fatal journeys focuses on the issue of missing migrant children, as more and more young people are setting out on perilous and frequently deadly journeys. While many deaths go unreported, it is unknown how many people die while migrating globally. Since 2014, IOM has confirmed more than 32,000 deaths and disappearances in Migration...
Send your application for the Knowledge Fair and Impact Awards @ IOM, a new initiative designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions and good practices in the field of migration.