This policy brief discusses the expansion of assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) programs across the European Union, driven by the need to increase the return rate of migrants without the right to stay in Europe. These programs are considered cost-effective, humane, and diplomatically pragmatic, aiming to help migrants reintegrate into their...
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El repositorio principal de la Plataforma de Protección Migrante ahora alberga más de 1,000 publicaciones, todas ellas disponibles para consulta pública.
La OIM, a través del Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento UE-OIM, junto con UNICEF, ha desarrollado las siguientes herramientas como complemento del Módulo 6 del Manual sobre Reintegración “Enfoque basado en los derechos del niños para la reintegración sostenible de menores y familias migrantes”. Consulte la sección "Introducción" a continuación para ver la...
The Migrant Centres toolkit is an open-source toolkit for migrant centre administration and management. It is intended as a practical resource for field practitioners providing access to key guidance material, tools and best practices.
IOM has launched a dedicated Virtual Counselling forum on the Community of Practice of the Return and Reintegration Platform.
This report – a collaboration between IOM and Samuel Hall in the framework of the Cooperation on Migration and Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Solutions (COMPASS) programme, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands – presents findings from a study undertaken in four countries (Bangladesh, Nigeria, the Republic of Moldova and Tunisia)...
Yenna is designed to equip users with the necessary tools and skills to implement community-based awareness-raising initiatives, including co-design, peer-to-peer communication, and community dialogue.
The Return Counselling Toolkit is a capacity-building instrument aimed at providing a harmonized and coherent approach to return counselling, based on key migrant-centred principles while protecting migrants’ rights. Mindful of the specific needs and rights pertaining to children, this additional module on counselling children and families further...
The Annual Policy Report 2021 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria between January and December 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in (temporary) measures being introduced in a number of areas including aliens law, social and educational support, labour market integration, border controls and removals...
The Joint Initiative broke new ground in migration governance by engaging with countries on the sensitive topic of return and reintegration of returnees, setting the stage for effective voluntary return processes – even amid COVID-19 border restrictions. The multi-faceted approach of capacity building, material support and engagement of national and local...
This reintegration evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative provides an assessment of reintegration outcomes after three years of program implementation, on the eve of the COVID 19 pandemic. It finds that the intervention has been both relevant and effective, with an 84 per cent beneficiary satisfaction rate and substantive evidence of positive outcomes for...
During this event, stakeholders, partners and IOM showed how the concept of return counselling has evolved and why it is an essential component of the return and reintegration process to protect and support migrant's agency in the context of return.
La OIM, a través del Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento UE-OIM, junto con UNICEF, ha desarrollado las siguientes herramientas como complemento del Módulo 6 del Manual sobre Reintegración “Enfoque basado en los derechos del niños para la reintegración sostenible de menores y familias migrantes”. Consulte la sección "Introducción" a continuación para ver la...
La OIM, a través del Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento UE-OIM, junto con UNICEF, ha desarrollado las siguientes herramientas como complemento del Módulo 6 del Manual sobre Reintegración “Enfoque basado en los derechos del niños para la reintegración sostenible de menores y familias migrantes”...
Over the last few years, the return of irregular migrants and asylum seekers - whose protection claims have been rejected - and their reintegration into the country of origin has become a priority in Europe. Programmes to assist returning migrants with reintegration into their countries and communities of origin have proliferated in the last decade. These...
IOM Algeria has been providing reception and reintegration assistance for Algerian returnees, mainly coming from Europe. Over time, IOM has noted several challenges to achieving sustainable reintegration. Firstly, migrants returning to Algeria may find themselves in difficult situations despite the reintegration assistance received, such as having...
Nearly 50,000 migrants were assisted to voluntarily return to their countries of origin with more than 113,000 reintegration activities supported globally in 2021 according to the IOM 2021 Return and Reintegration Key Highlights.
The Return Counselling Toolkit builds upon IOM standards and the Organization’s longstanding experience in providing return and reintegration counselling to thousands of migrants every year, in a multiplicity of countries and operational contexts.
The Return Counselling Toolkit is a capacity-building instrument aimed at providing a harmonized and coherent approach to return counselling based on key migrant-centred principles. Accompanied by operational tools that can facilitate the work of return counsellors, the toolkit is conceived to address the capacity-building needs of return counsellors, as...
This project aims to continue the successful cooperation between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the field of migrant protection and assistance and builds on IOM Ghana’s existing Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) structure and ongoing projects, including...