This self-paced, interactive online course, developed by UNHCR and IOM, is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of external partners and stakeholders—both State and non-State actors.
Búsqueda y rescate en mar y tierra
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This online course aims to explore the competencies of States and their obligations at international borders, as well as the rights of individuals on the move, whether at land borders or at sea.
Check IOM's latest report on highlighting protection risks faced by Children and young migrant across the route to Europe.
Mixed migration flows to Europe are characterized by a sizeable share of children and young adults. The report highlights the vulnerabilities of these young migrants, who are often travelling alone and report higher rates of abuse, exploitation, and violence compared to adults. By examining their diverse profiles and their routes through African, Middle...
In the complex landscape of migration, this second volume of the report, On This Journey, No One Cares if You Live or Die, emerges as a crucial body of work that sheds light on the stark realities faced by refugees and migrants traversing the perilous Central Mediterranean route all the way from East and Horn of Africa and West Africa to the North African...
The Southern Route, one of the significant migration pathways from the Horn of Africa that first emerged in the mid-1990s, sees thousands of primarily young men embarking on perilous journeys each year. These migrants transit multiple countries, majority migrants endure perilous overland journeys characterized by severe physical conditions, including lack of...
El repositorio principal de la Plataforma de Protección Migrante ahora alberga más de 1,000 publicaciones, todas ellas disponibles para consulta pública.
A guide to principles and practice as applied to refugees and migrants provides guidance on relevant legal provisions, on practical procedures to ensure the prompt disembarkation of rescued persons, and on measures to meet their specific needs, particularly in the case of refugees and asylum seekers
This publication is intended as a tool to complement and support practical application of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)publication, Protection of Migrants at Sea (IOM, 2018). It is comprised of two interrelated parts. Part I: Guidance Note: Part I offers guidance to government agencies in the operationalization of their international...
This manual is a practical guide to providing hands-on training on countering migrant smuggling for both practitioners and those new to the thematic area. Developed by experts from IOM’s African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC), the manual is an Africa-oriented tool which seeks to address the issue of migrant smuggling on the continent with a focus on the...
Despite the significant international attention to human trafficking in the fishing industry in Southeast Asia, victims continue to experience poor outcomes after their return to Thailand. The Labour Rights Promotion Network (LPN) has assisted many returned fishermen in the difficult journey that begins after their rescue and repatriation. In this paper, we...
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the Indian government’s efforts to combat pervasive child trafficking for labour exploitation through rescue and reintegration of affected children. It evaluates the extensive policy and legal frameworks against on-the-ground realities in the states of Bihar and Rajasthan, using empirical findings from a...
Protection of Migrants at Sea provides guidance on applying international legal principles in protecting migrants at sea. The obligations and responsibilities that arise in different jurisdictions are dissected in the contexts of both irregular maritime migration flows and exploitation of migrants at sea. This publication urges that complex (and often...
This NEXUS Institute-authored study explores the issue of trafficking at sea through the experiences of 46 Ukrainian seafarers and fishers trafficked to Russia, Turkey and South Korea, on vessels under flags from Panama and Russia. Through a discussion and exploration of their specific trafficking experiences and post-trafficking lives, the paper considers...
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