Among the different stages of the migration process, return is the one which is least well understood. The motives guiding return cannot be easily categorized and are highly context dependent (Bastia, 2011). Scholars and policymakers have focused on understanding and analysing decisions for departure, failing to acknowledge that migration is a...
Retorno y reintegración
Displaying 641 - 660 of 994
This summary report provides a detailed analysis of the situation of migrants who have returned home to several West African countries as a result of the conflict in Libya. This report is the full version which IOM’s Policy in Brief – Returnees from Libya: The Bittersweet Experience of Coming Home is based on. It provides an understanding of the factors that...
This study describes the role of entry bans and readmission agreements to support Austria's return policy. Legal regulations concerning entry bans are examined, particularly in connection with return decisions. Various aspects regarding the practical application of entry bans are also analysed. After providing a comprehensive overview of existing readmission...
More than 2 million Southerners have returned to South Sudan since 2005, following the end of the North–South civil war. Building on research conducted in South Sudan, as well as Egypt and northern Uganda, Ensor examines the process of reintegration of refugees and internally displaced persons returning to South Sudan since the signing of the 2005 Peace...
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) is a core activity of IOM and has provided vital assistance to tens of thousands of migrants returning home every year. It is also a growing area of work as an increasing number of States – both host countries as well as countries of origin – recognize the value of AVRR as an essential component of an...
The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration 2011 Annual Report outlines IOM’s work carried out during 2011 in the areas of ‘Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration’ (AVRR) and `Post-Arrival and Reintegration Assistance` (PARA) exclusively implemented in countries of origin to assist both migrants returning voluntarily with IOM and migrants returned...
The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration 2010 Annual Report outlines IOM’s work implemented during 2010 in the areas of ‘Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration’ (AVRR) and `Post-Arrival and Reintegration Assistance` (PARA) exclusively implemented in countries of origin to assist both migrants returning voluntarily with IOM and migrants returned...
This report provides an update to a policy brief issued in May 2012, on the situation of migrants who returned to their home countries as a result of the conflict in Libya in 2011. Now two years after mass returns began, the aftermath of the crisis continues to reverberate in countries across Northern and Western Africa as well as beyond, in Asia. To this...
En 2019 la OIM Portugal inició el proyecto Mecanismo Complementar Comum para uma Reintegração Sustentável no Brasil (SURE).
This blog post addresses the implementation of Objective 21 in line with international human rights law. States pledge to fulfil the commitments laid down in the GCM in a manner consistent with their obligations under international law (§41). Further, the compact is based on international human rights law and ‘rests’ on the international human rights...
Objective 21 of the Final Draft of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) addresses the process of expulsion, which, in the GCM, comprises three measures, notably return, readmission, and reintegration. Regarding return, states commit to facilitate safe and dignified return and to guarantee due process, individual assessment, and...
A partir da última década do século passado, a migração internacional surgiu como tema de grande importância para o Brasil e para Portugal. Enquanto o primeiro passou a ser um país de emigração o segundo tornou-se um dos países de destino mais importante da Europa. Como outros coletivos de imigrantes que buscam a Portugal, os brasileiros, nos últimos anos...
The research deals with the socio-economic reintegration of Ethiopian women return migrants from Arabian Gulf countries. It examines the lived experiences of women who migrate to these countries and then return to their home country. How female returnees make sense of migration-related trauma, how migration settings impact on the migration as well as the...
Este juego de herramientas ha sido creado por Etimos Foundation, junto con la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (o sea la “Asociación de Formación Profesional del Patronato San Vincenzo”), dentro del proyecto REMPLOY III, financiado por el Ministerio del Interior de...
Este juego de herramientas ha sido creado por Etimos Foundation, junto con la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (o sea la “Asociación de Formación Profesional del Patronato San Vincenzo”), dentro del proyecto REMPLOY III, financiado por el Ministerio del Interior de...
Este juego de herramientas ha sido creado por Etimos Foundation, junto con la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (o sea la “Asociación de Formación Profesional del Patronato San Vincenzo”), dentro del proyecto REMPLOY III, financiado por el Ministerio del Interior de...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation Professionnelle du Patronat San Vincenzo), dans le cadre du projet Remploy III, financé par le Ministère de...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation Professionnelle du Patronat San Vincenzo), dans le cadre du projet Remploy III, financé par le Ministère de...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation Professionnelle du Patronat San Vincenzo), dans le cadre du projet Remploy III, financé par le Ministère de...
Immer öfter sehen sich Rückkehrberaterinnen und Rückkehrberater in ihrer Arbeit mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, die Rückkehr und Reintegration von vulnerablen Personen zu organisieren. Das Handbuch Rückkehr und Reintegration von vulnerablen Personen sieht sich diesbezüglich als praktisches Instrument und Hilfsmittel für Rückkehrberaterinnen und...