This report by IOM Philippines seeks to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). In 2020, the Philippines saw a 75 per cent drop in overseas deployment while facing an unprecedented number of repatriations under the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report captures the experiences and challenges before, during and...
Retorno y reintegración
Displaying 301 - 320 of 993
This paper profiles the return migration and reintegration of returning overseas workers into the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and discusses policy considerations. It explores the economic dimensions of the return of overseas workers and examines how the nature of reintegration programs and circumstances surrounding their return could...
European policymakers have renewed their commitment to increase returns of migrants determined not to have a right to stay in the European Union, and to cooperate with returnees’ countries of origin to support their reintegration. And as investments in assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) initiatives have grown, so too has pressure to...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact on international migration (including labor migration) and on migrant workers. Women migrant workers particularly felt the abrupt changes of needing to return to their home country, to safely elude the SARS-CoV-2 virus, to reunite with their families, and to move on from earning incomes overseas to maintaining a...
In 2019, the Regional Data Hub (RDH) for the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) launched a multistage research project aimed at better understanding the experiences, decision-making, perceptions and expectations of young Ethiopians along the Eastern Route regarding their migration projects. The project aims to investigate the nexus between decision-making...
A webinar session on the “New research on sustainable reintegration outcomes: Forced returns, voluntary returns and gender” -organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH)- presented the newly launched study on Comparative Reintegration Outcomes between Forced and Voluntary Return and Through a Gender Perspective. Coordinated by the KMH with the...
During the event, the study's background, methodology and findings from the field work conducted in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, El Salvador, the Gambia, Nigeria and Somalia were presented and shared through interventions from the EU, IOM and Maastricht University.
The project, financed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), supports voluntary returnees in their return and reintegration in Somalia / Somaliland. It is carried out by the BAMF in cooperation with the International Return and Reintegration Assistance (IRARA) organization. This is done immediately after arrival in Somalia/Somaliland in...
The project starts in the initial phase immediately after arrival in Albania. It helps returnees to settle in more easily in order to develop an individual perspective for a new beginning. For this purpose, URA Albania offers personal support as well as various advisory services and in-kind assistance. The support can include the following services...
In 2019, the IOM Regional Data Hub (RDH) for the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) launched a multistage research project aimed at better understanding the experiences, decision-making, perceptions and expectations of young Ethiopians1 along the Eastern Route regarding their migration projects. The project aims to investigate the nexus between decision-making...
The stories featured in this publication are true and have been relayed by Gambians who have received return and reintegration assistance by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The opinions expressed in the book are those of the protagonists and do not necessarily reflect the views of IOM. The designations employed and the presentation of...
Using life event history data collected by the MAFE project survey of migrants in Europe and return migrants in their countries of origin, this article aims to analyse, first, the initial return intentions of Senegalese and Congolese migrants to Europe, and second, the realization of those intentions. The results reveal that at the time of their arrival...
Depuis le début des années 2000, la littérature relative à la migration de retour en général s’est considérablement développée [Carling et al., 2011], mais les études sur les retours de migrants d’Afrique en particulier restent relativement peu nombreuses. La question du retour des migrants africains suscite pourtant un intérêt croissant auprès des décideurs...
Dans la conclusion, l’auteure propose une lecture personnelle des diférentes contributions de ce numéro à travers un double exercice de mise en perspective théorique, en s’appuyant sur ses propres recherches sur les retours en contexte africain. Dans un premier temps, elle fait ressortir la manière dont les articles mettent en lien les concepts de « retour »...
Cette recherche se situe au niveau des migrants eux-mêmes. Elle a l’ambition de comprendre leurs aspirations et leurs choix, en particulier les stratégies qu’ils développent en fonction de leur situation, des opportunités qui se présentent à eux, et du contexte dans lequel ils se trouvent. Le contexte peut se présenter comme une contrainte et limiter les...
Based on 68 qualitative interviews carried out in Senegal and DR Congo with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of programs assisting migrants after their return to their origin country, this article investigates how these programs affect the reintegration of those migrants. It uses an original approach, combining a qualitative thematic analysis of the...
This project supports the Secretariat for Conational, Returnee and Refugee Development (SEDERREC its initials in Spanish) in facilitating an effective, dignified and productive reintegration process for Paraguayan returnees, while taking gender into consideration and ensuring a rights-based approach. The main activities proposed as part of the project...
El Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento de la UE-OIM ha desarrollado un paquete de seguimiento y evaluación (SyE) para los programas de retorno y reintegración. Este paquete puede utilizarse para el desarrollo de marcos de seguimiento de resultados, planes de SyE, así como para la realización de...
The return and readmission of migrants to their countries of origin, or third countries, and their reintegration into the societies and communities that receive them, are natural features of international mobility. More than ever, migration today is not a linear phenomenon starting with emigration and ending with permanent settlement in a new country. Rather...
In 2019, the IOM Regional Data Hub (RDH) for the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) launched a multistage research project aimed at better understanding the experiences, decision-making, perceptions and expectations of young Ethiopians along the Eastern Route regarding their migration. The first two stages of the research project were carried out in Obock...