Der Reintegrationsunterstützung kommt eine Schlüsselrolle zu, um Migrantinnen und Migranten, die in ihre Herkunftsländer zurückkehren, eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Rückkehr zu ermöglichen. Sowohl die Rückkehrentscheidung und -planung als auch die Reintegration im Herkunftsland umfassen einen längeren Prozess, bei dem sich die Betroffenen zumeist mit...
Oportunidades económicas y derechos laborales
Displaying 261 - 280 of 553
As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged globally, migrant workers, both internationally and within Bangladesh, found themselves facing a new set of challenges and vulnerabilities. With limited access to income-generating activities, social services, healthcare systems, and social support networks, many have opted to return home. During May and June, IOM, supported...
Authored by Maruja M.B. Asis, this Migration Research Series paper provides an overview of the repatriation of overseas Filipino workers under the COVID-19 pandemic. While noting the Philippines' good practices and guidelines that have helped the Government to respond to crisis situations in the past, the paper explores the unprecedented and enormous...
This chapter explores the initial impacts of the microbusiness management training offered by IOM to migrants in transit back to their countries through the Niger. Due to the increased number of migrants expelled from Algeria to the Niger since 2018, there has been a significant increase in the number of migrants assisted with voluntary return to their...
The study addresses the factors that influence the decisions of internally displaced persons living in the KRI to remain, emigrate or return to their places of origin. The outcome of the study was published in a report which also highlights the issue of onward migration in the context of Iraq as whole.
Esta serie tiene por finalidad profundizar aspectos de la reintegración de migrantes que en general han sido poco investigados, no han sido plenamente aprovechados o han sido sistemáticamente identificados en las evaluaciones de los programas de reintegración ya sea como lagunas o como oportunidades.
Este Documento de Conocimiento es el primer número de la Serie de Documentos de Conocimiento sobre Reintegración Sostenible, publicada por el Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento (KMH) de la UE-OIM. Los profesionales de la esfera de la reintegración y los expertos en la materia utilizan con frecuencia el término microfinanciación y, más concretamente, el...
Decisions on the return of Afghans from Europe are often based on the perceived support that communities of return and social networks can provide. This assumption shapes court decisions over asylum cases and is factored in assistance packages upon return. It is assumed that social networks will act as a “safety net” for returnee. However, recent evidence on...
This webinar organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub presented detailed analysis and findings from this second issue of the Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series. Building on the findings from the first Knowledge Bite, published in October 2020, the second Knowledge Bite explores additional factors that contribute to higher levels of...
Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed a global challenge and demanded stronger coordination and governance among the international development organizations, governments, civil societies, and between stakeholders within the countries. The problem stipulates responses that go far beyond just the health and well-being of the population...
Tras la publicación del segundo número de la serie de fichas elaborado por el Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento de la UE-OIM , el seminario presentó un análisis detallado y las conclusiones de este nuevo número.
This report accompanying the “Reintegration package” provides the context of return and reintegration in Ethiopia including the current policies, processes and stakeholders involved in reintegration interventions and to analyze the opportunities and gaps in the current system and make recommendations.
As of December 2020, Iraq has witnessed the return of 4.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their places of origin in the aftermath of the ISIL conflict. This is a significant returnee population and, while the movement home is a first step toward reintegration, it is not necessarily an indication of longer-term sustainability per se. The...
The return and reintegration of migrants unwilling or unable to remain in host or transit countries continues to draw attention of national and international policymakers around the world. Yet despite this attention, the experience of migrant children returning to their countries of origin is often overlooked even though they face unique challenges which...
Seven months after the first cases of COVID-19 emerged in Bangladesh, the pandemic continues to impact mobility, security and socioeconomic stability within the country and on a global scale. As a result, migrant returnees remain vulnerable to a number of challenges, including severely limited employment access, mobility restrictions, health concerns, debt...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, millions of migrants have returned to their countries of origin, either having lost jobs abroad or because they wished to reunite with their families in these difficult times. Simultaneously, large numbers of migrants have found themselves stranded abroad and in need of assistance to either return to their origin countries...
Desde 2015, los migrantes que retornan a un número de países seleccionados en el marco del programa de Retorno Voluntario Asistido y Reintegración de Bélgica, financiado por Fedasil, pueden recibir apoyo adicional, ya que se los pone en contacto con cursos de capacitación u oportunidades de empleo disponibles a nivel local. El objetivo principal del programa...
Los enfoques específicos por países con miras a un proyecto de reintegración más sostenible tienen por objeto elaborar un enfoque integral de la reintegración en el marco del programa de Retorno Voluntario Asistido y Reintegración de Bélgica. Esta tarea, que se llevará a cabo mediante iniciativas que propician la reintegración socioeconómica sostenible...
Este segundo número de la serie explora otros factores que contribuyen al logro de niveles más altos de reintegración sostenible. En concreto, el análisis de este informe se centra en la investigación de los resultados de la reintegración sostenible tras la remisión de los migrantes que retornan y en comprender el efecto de estas remisiones en la...
The first Knowledge Bite, published in October 2020, gave a first indication of some of the factors that can contribute to or hamper sustainable reintegration outcomes. Notably, the results revealed that returnees benefiting from economic reintegration activities have on average higher sustainable reintegration scores compared to returnees not benefiting...