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2nd Knowledge Bite: Exploring factors contributing to higher levels of sustainable reintegration

Asia y el Pacífico, África Oriental y el Cuerno de África , África Meridional , África Central y Occidental
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones

This webinar organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub  presented detailed analysis and findings from this second issue of the Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series

Building on the findings from the first Knowledge Bite, published in October 2020, the second Knowledge Bite explores additional factors that contribute to higher levels of sustainable reintegration. Specifically, the analysis in the report focuses on investigating sustainable reintegration outcomes following referrals and understanding the effect of referrals on returnees’ satisfaction with the reintegration assistance received.

The Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series aims to define some of the factors affecting sustainable reintegration outcomes and providing insights as to the reasons behind these, bring such findings to the attention of reintegration practitioners and policy-makers worldwide, as well as to inform and disseminate good practices, lessons learned and recommendations.