Irregular migration can be a dangerous, degrading process that deprives migrants of their intrinsic worth and rights as human beings. Too often, on the routes through Africa and across the Mediterranean, human smugglers, traffickers and others take advantage of migrants who are fleeing violence, the impacts of climate change, or are desperate to make a...
Salud y apoyo psicosocial
Displaying 121 - 140 of 337
This report presents the data on internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees between October – November 2021. The data and findings represent round 39 of the Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) Mobility Tracking. In Libya, no new mass displacements have been reported since June 2020, and throughout 2021 IDPs have continued to return to their...
International labour migration is one of the key drivers of economic growth in Bangladesh. In the last five years, four million low-skilled migrant workers have travelled from the country for jobs and have remitted USD 75 billion. Reintegration of migrant workers is the ‘missing link’ in the migration cycle for Bangladesh, meaning that while outbound...
El proyecto “Creación de medios de sustento mediante la rehabilitación del medio ambiente en Etiopía” mejoró las condiciones socioeconómicas de los migrantes que han retornado a dos aldeas del distrito de Habru (Etiopía), al tiempo que rehabilitó el medio ambiente y mejoró el acceso al agua y la disponibilidad de alimentos para las comunidades locales. A lo...
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub released the 11th factsheet on “Creating Livelihoods through Environmental Rehabilitation in Ethiopia” from the Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series.
The regional model on reintegration will provide a sustainable solution to address gendered social, psychosocial, economic, including labour market opportunities and challenges for returning migrant workers.
El programa conjunto Retorno y reintegración: acciones de reintegración esenciales para la construcción de la paz en El Salvador, reconoce la importancia de una atención integral para reintegrar a las personas retornadas o que sufren de desplazamiento forzado en el país. Propone trabajar atendiendo diferentes aspectos de atención a la población migrante...
Assisting survivors of trafficking is considered one of the pillars of a human rights-based response Shelter, medical, psychological and legal assistance in the short term and job placement, accommodation and reunification with family and community in the long term are critical steps for helping them recover and feel in control of their lives and futures...
En el marco del “Proyecto LER: Uniendo esfuerzos para la reintegración entre las dos orillas”, ACOBE, junto a otras entidades, elaboró un Manual para el Retorno a Ecuador, que recopila información sobre programas y ayudas específicas para personas retornadas de origen boliviano. El proyecto fue cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo para el Retorno y la Agencia...
En el marco del “Proyecto LER: Uniendo esfuerzos para la reintegración entre las dos orillas”, ACOBE, junto a otras entidades, elaboró un Manual para el Retorno a Colombia, que recopila información sobre programas y ayudas específicas para personas retornadas de origen boliviano. El proyecto fue cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo para el Retorno y la Agencia...
En el marco del “Proyecto LER: Uniendo esfuerzos para la reintegración entre las dos orillas”, ACOBE, junto a otras entidades, elaboró un Manual para el Retorno a Bolivia, que recopila información sobre programas y ayudas específicas para personas retornadas de origen boliviano. El proyecto fue cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo para el Retorno y la Agencia...
Esta publicación forma parte del proyecto LER – Uniendo Esfuerzos para la reintegración, co-financiado por la Comisión Europea y la Agencia Catalana de Cooperación, y gestionado por siete entidades en Europa y sus respectivas contrapartes en Bolivia, Colombia y Ecuador. El objetivo general del proyecto LER es contribuir a la mejora del enfoque europeo de la...
Securing Women Migration Cycle aims to contribute to the efforts of IOM and ILO in Lebanon and Ethiopia in strengthening the tools for the protection of human rights and for the management of female migratory flows through the strengthening of the protection and assistance network for 1,500 women internal migration cycle (who mainly returned from Lebanon and...
The initiative aims at supporting the return and reintegration of Georgians from France (including family members), who are eligible for the OFII’s assisted voluntary return programme and whose state of health requires a medical care available in Georgia, during the journey and/or after their return to Georgia. This scheme is implemented by the International...
The project, financed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), supports voluntary returnees in their return and reintegration in Somalia / Somaliland. It is carried out by the BAMF in cooperation with the International Return and Reintegration Assistance (IRARA) organization. This is done immediately after arrival in Somalia/Somaliland in...
The project starts in the initial phase immediately after arrival in Albania. It helps returnees to settle in more easily in order to develop an individual perspective for a new beginning. For this purpose, URA Albania offers personal support as well as various advisory services and in-kind assistance. The support can include the following services...
Based on 68 qualitative interviews carried out in Senegal and DR Congo with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of programs assisting migrants after their return to their origin country, this article investigates how these programs affect the reintegration of those migrants. It uses an original approach, combining a qualitative thematic analysis of the...
In 2019, the IOM Regional Data Hub (RDH) for the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) launched a multistage research project aimed at better understanding the experiences, decision-making, perceptions and expectations of young Ethiopians along the Eastern Route regarding their migration. The first two stages of the research project were carried out in Obock...
El presente documento describe la creación y puesta en marcha de un modelo de reintegración social, económico y empático para el migrante en retorno. En él, se establece una herramienta metodológica que atiende las problemáticas que los migrantes enfrentan a su regreso, de manera diferenciada. Su propósito es garantizar su plena reincorporación a la vida...
Despite the increasing attention in academic literature, it continues to be extremely challenging to capture the complexity of reintegration processes and post-return situations. This article argues that the concept of well-being, which captures contextual differences, self-chosen points of reference and summarizes a multitude of outcomes, has the potential...