El programa regional “Integración y reintegración de niños y jóvenes en riesgo de migración irregular en Centroamérica – ALTERNATIVAS”, tiene como objetivo fortalecer las ofertas de integración familiar, social, escolar y profesional para jóvenes y niños retornados o en riesgo de migración irregular con el fin de disminuir los factores de expulsión y...
Oportunidades económicas y derechos laborales
Displaying 141 - 160 of 553
A new booklet brings together stories and testimonies from EU-IOM Joint Initiative partners and beneficiaries, highlighting key achievements to date.
The EU-IOM Joint Initiative enables migrants who decide to return to their countries of origin to do so in a safe and dignified way, in full respect of international human rights standards. Once back in their countries, reintegration assistance helps returnees restart their lives through an integrated approach that seeks to address their economic, social and...
Irregular migration can be a dangerous, degrading process that deprives migrants of their intrinsic worth and rights as human beings. Too often, on the routes through Africa and across the Mediterranean, human smugglers, traffickers and others take advantage of migrants who are fleeing violence, the impacts of climate change, or are desperate to make a...
The counsellors in this project provide information on existing return and reintegration programmes and help migrants organize their return journey, assisting them in the reintegration phase. They might advise them on job opportunities in their countries of origin or accompany them to return counselling centres for the voluntary return application process...
IOM supports Djiboutian migrant returnees to return home voluntarily from other countries around the world. Enabling migrants to (re-)establish economic self-sufficiency, reach social stability within their communities and achieve psycho-social well-being are at the core of IOM’s approach to reintegration and are key to support sustainability. In particular...
El texto parte de un estado de la cuestión en cuanto al cálculo estimado de las salidas de inmigrantes en los últimos cinco años (2007-2012), como reflejo del cambio de las dinámicas que habían caracterizado el modelo migratorio español de los últimos diez años. A continuación, se ofrece una panorámica de la gestión actual del retorno en España, a través de...
Tras una década de crisis económica en España, son muchos los inmigrantes que se enfrentan a condiciones de vida muy precarias. La respuesta institucional pasa por incentivar el retorno asistido, sin lograr captar ni apoyar la pluralidad de estrategias de reacción a la crisis activadas por los actores implicados. Este artículo analiza la migración maliense...
A partir del año 2008, el contexto de crisis económica experimentado por países como España ha marcado un punto de inflexión en relación con los flujos migratorios. Así, ante la intensa situación de desempleo y precariedad laboral que afecta a la sociedad española, la opción del retorno se ha convertido en la única solución para muchos inmigrantes y en una...
This article discusses the critical importance of re/integration services in the lives of trafficked persons and as central to an effective anti-trafficking response. It outlines how support and resources for re/integration services have so far not been widely available and the impact of this on trafficked persons. The article also discusses different...
International labour migration is one of the key drivers of economic growth in Bangladesh. In the last five years, four million low-skilled migrant workers have travelled from the country for jobs and have remitted USD 75 billion. Reintegration of migrant workers is the ‘missing link’ in the migration cycle for Bangladesh, meaning that while outbound...
‘Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan’ is an initiative under the TVET Sector Support Programme that offers reintegration assistance to Pakistani returnees and Pakistani nationals, particularly young adults, who return to their home country voluntarily. This initiative supports returnees and the local Pakistanis (non-returnees) by offering them quick and...
This joint publication of the ADBI, OECD, and ILO focusses on trends and the future of labour migration in light of the disruptions and developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides useful policy guidance and statistical reference to practitioners, authorities, and policy makers. The current economic and social transitions in the global economy...
El proyecto “Creación de medios de sustento mediante la rehabilitación del medio ambiente en Etiopía” mejoró las condiciones socioeconómicas de los migrantes que han retornado a dos aldeas del distrito de Habru (Etiopía), al tiempo que rehabilitó el medio ambiente y mejoró el acceso al agua y la disponibilidad de alimentos para las comunidades locales. A lo...
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub released the 11th factsheet on “Creating Livelihoods through Environmental Rehabilitation in Ethiopia” from the Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series.
This report assesses changes in the lives of migrant workers from before to after their migration and provides recommendations for improving outcomes within the region. The research was designed to examine migration from a regional perspective, providing comparable data between countries of origin, countries of destination, and migration corridors in South...
Since 2012, the ILO-Korea Partnership Programme labour migration component has focused on migration and development. Research and national and regional workshops have focused on return and reintegration, leading to the development and adoption of these Regional Guidelines on Return and Reintegration Programmes. The Republic of Korea introduced the Employment...
As part of the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR), UNHCR is taking part in the development of a joint Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme for Afghan returnees led by the Afghan Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), assisted by several United Nations agencies. Livelihood is an important element of the holistic reintegration...
The regional model on reintegration will provide a sustainable solution to address gendered social, psychosocial, economic, including labour market opportunities and challenges for returning migrant workers.
El programa conjunto Retorno y reintegración: acciones de reintegración esenciales para la construcción de la paz en El Salvador, reconoce la importancia de una atención integral para reintegrar a las personas retornadas o que sufren de desplazamiento forzado en el país. Propone trabajar atendiendo diferentes aspectos de atención a la población migrante...