The Return Counselling Toolkit builds upon IOM standards and the Organization’s longstanding experience in providing return and reintegration counselling to thousands of migrants every year, in a multiplicity of countries and operational contexts.
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The Return Counselling Toolkit is a capacity-building instrument aimed at providing a harmonized and coherent approach to return counselling based on key migrant-centred principles. Accompanied by operational tools that can facilitate the work of return counsellors, the toolkit is conceived to address the capacity-building needs of return counsellors, as...
IOM is looking for a researcher to support the development of a study to identify the potentials of gender-sensitive, gender-responsive and gender-transformative approaches to reintegration programming.
This publication presents results from a Moldovan research study on services provided for migrants, including returnee women. The study revealed that returnees were not acquainted with services available and do not know how to access them. Additionally, local public authorities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) only offered expertise in their...
IOM is committed to integrating gender considerations into its transition and recovery portfolio, including by promoting women’s meaningful participation and fundamental role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. As part of its support to governments in dealing with men and women associated with violent extremist groups, IOM identified gaps in...
This project aims to continue the successful cooperation between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the field of migrant protection and assistance and builds on IOM Ghana’s existing Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) structure and ongoing projects, including...
El Programa “Retorno y reintegración: acciones de reintegración esenciales para la construcción de la paz en El Salvador” financiado por el Peacebuilding Fund, es un programa enfocado en crear y consolidar espacios de coordinación multi-actor para atender las necesidades de la población migrante retornada en El Salvador, este tiene como objetivo crear y...
Cambodia has seen an increasing trend in migration over the last two decades pushed by better job prospects abroad and closer bilateral cooperation with neighbouring countries. Migrants make immense contribution to the Cambodian economy through regular remittances sent home and by enriching the labour market with skills picked up from abroad. Women are...
El programa regional “Integración y reintegración de niños y jóvenes en riesgo de migración irregular en Centroamérica – ALTERNATIVAS”, tiene como objetivo fortalecer las ofertas de integración familiar, social, escolar y profesional para jóvenes y niños retornados o en riesgo de migración irregular con el fin de disminuir los factores de expulsión y...
El proyecto “Creación de medios de sustento mediante la rehabilitación del medio ambiente en Etiopía” mejoró las condiciones socioeconómicas de los migrantes que han retornado a dos aldeas del distrito de Habru (Etiopía), al tiempo que rehabilitó el medio ambiente y mejoró el acceso al agua y la disponibilidad de alimentos para las comunidades locales. A lo...
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub released the 11th factsheet on “Creating Livelihoods through Environmental Rehabilitation in Ethiopia” from the Reintegration Assistance: Good, Promising and Innovative Practices Series.
This report assesses changes in the lives of migrant workers from before to after their migration and provides recommendations for improving outcomes within the region. The research was designed to examine migration from a regional perspective, providing comparable data between countries of origin, countries of destination, and migration corridors in South...
The regional model on reintegration will provide a sustainable solution to address gendered social, psychosocial, economic, including labour market opportunities and challenges for returning migrant workers.
El programa conjunto Retorno y reintegración: acciones de reintegración esenciales para la construcción de la paz en El Salvador, reconoce la importancia de una atención integral para reintegrar a las personas retornadas o que sufren de desplazamiento forzado en el país. Propone trabajar atendiendo diferentes aspectos de atención a la población migrante...
La investigación Vivencias en el retorno y la reintegración. Mujeres migrantes y víctimas de Trata retornadas a Colombia se propuso analizar, desde una perspectiva feminista, las experiencias de retorno y reintegración sociolaboral de mujeres migrantes retornadas y sobrevivientes de trata en Colombia, prestando especial atención a sus trayectorias migra...
The aim of this report is to highlight the challenges that women migrant workers from South Asia who returned from the Middle East experience when trying to resume their lives upon return. It highlights gaps in the implementation of policies and programmes for sustainable reintegration of migrants. It identifies opportunities for improvement based on migrant...
Securing Women Migration Cycle aims to contribute to the efforts of IOM and ILO in Lebanon and Ethiopia in strengthening the tools for the protection of human rights and for the management of female migratory flows through the strengthening of the protection and assistance network for 1,500 women internal migration cycle (who mainly returned from Lebanon and...
This report by IOM Philippines seeks to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). In 2020, the Philippines saw a 75 per cent drop in overseas deployment while facing an unprecedented number of repatriations under the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report captures the experiences and challenges before, during and...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact on international migration (including labor migration) and on migrant workers. Women migrant workers particularly felt the abrupt changes of needing to return to their home country, to safely elude the SARS-CoV-2 virus, to reunite with their families, and to move on from earning incomes overseas to maintaining a...
A webinar session on the “New research on sustainable reintegration outcomes: Forced returns, voluntary returns and gender” -organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH)- presented the newly launched study on Comparative Reintegration Outcomes between Forced and Voluntary Return and Through a Gender Perspective. Coordinated by the KMH with the...