This publication is meant to guide policymakers and practitioners’ in the design and implementation of assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR)-related policies and programmes. Based on IOM’s long-standing experience on AVRR since 1979, the framework lays out a vision for dignified voluntary returns and sustainable reintegration, 7 principles to be...
Desarrollo sostenible
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This is the third jointly-commissioned donor review of IOM Zimbabwe. The specific purpose of the review was to: Assess IOM’s progress against agreed outputs in the programme logframe; Assess the appropriateness of IOM’s current programmes; Identify opportunities to enhance donor harmonisation.
Building upon the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted on 19 September 2016, the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) will set out a range of principles, commitments and understandings among Member States regarding international migration in all its dimensions. The GCM should make an important contribution to global...
Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development, a project of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), offers policymakers and practitioners a user-friendly and practical guide on the state of the art in governmental diaspora initiatives. The handbook presents a carefully selected menu of viable...
Emprendida en diciembre de 2016, con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario de Emergencia para África de la Unión Europea, la Iniciativa Conjunta UE-OIM es el primer programa global que reúne a países africanos, a la OIM y a la UE en torno al objetivo común de garantizar que las migraciones sean más seguras, se basen en mejor información y estén sujetas a una mejor...
Emprendida en diciembre de 2016, con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario de Emergencia para África de la Unión Europea, la Iniciativa Conjunta UE-OIM es el primer programa global que reúne a países africanos, OIM y UE en torno al objetivo común de garantizar que las migraciones sean más seguras, se apoyen en mejor información y estén sujetas a una mejor gobernanza...
Emprendida en diciembre de 2016, con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario de Emergencia para África de la Unión Europea, la Iniciativa Conjunta UE-OIM es el primer programa global que reúne a países africanos, OIM y UE en torno al objetivo común de garantizar que las migraciones sean más seguras, se apoyen en mejor información y estén sujetas a una mejor gobernanza...
Emprendida en marzo de 2017, con el financiamiento de la Dirección General de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo de la Comisión Europea, la Iniciativa Piloto se desarrolla en el contexto de las acciones exteriores de la UE-OIM, con el objeto de contribuir a la elaboración de enfoques de retorno voluntario y reintegración sostenible y comunitaria en...
El objetivo general del proyecto es contribuir a la reintegración sostenible de las personas migrantes que retornan y a la consecución progresiva del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 10.7 de facilitar la migración y la movilidad ordenadas, seguras, regulares y responsables de las personas, incluso mediante la aplicación de políticas planificadas y bien...
La OIM desarrolló el proyecto de Asistencia para la Reintegración y el Desarrollo en Afganistán para apoyar la reintegración sostenible de los migrantes que retornan en las comunidades a las que regresan. El objetivo general del proyecto es contribuir a la consecución progresiva del ODS 10.7, "facilitar la migración y la movilidad ordenadas, seguras...
The evaluation aimed at analysing the effectiveness of the reintegration assistance provided to returnees in the ReKoKO I-III projects. The focus was on evaluating sustainable return by comparing returnees from the intervention group (ReKoKO I-III beneficiaries) with returnees from the control group (non-assisted returnees in Kosovo). In addition, it...
Globally, 22 million children are international migrants or refugees. More recently their number has been growing dramatically as a result of protracted conflicts, environmental degradation, chronic vulnerability and large-scale displacements of growing intensity and unpredictability. This pamphlet, a joint publication by Save the Children and the...
The Monitoring Returned Minors (MRM) research project aimed at developing a monitoring and evaluation instrument that contributes to more sustainable and safer return of minors. The project was initiated by HIT Foundation on behalf of the European Commission and was executed in close collaboration with Nidos, Micado Migration, the University of Groningen and...
The study compiles recent data on the scale of irregular migration in Germany as well as on voluntary and forced returns. Furthermore, relevant actors, their channels and challenges of disseminating information on voluntary return to irregular staying third-country nationals are described.
The attention paid by international organisations to the link between migration and development in migrants’ origin countries has highlighted the need to revisit return migration approaches. Moreover, the growing diversity of migratory categories (ranging from economic migrants to refugees and asylum-seekers) necessitates a desegregation of the various types...
This report presents insights from the research project Possibilities and Realities of Return Migration (PREMIG), funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Over a five-year period, a core group of eight researchers in Norway and the United Kingdom studied return migration from multiple perspectives. They...
The 2018 Return and Reintegration Key Highlights showcases some of IOM’s most significant global, regional and national initiatives. The report is structured along three chapters: the first chapter presents an overview of current global trends, which are further elaborated by region in the second chapter. Albeit non-exhaustive, the third chapter features...
This AVRR 2017 Key Highlights report showcases some of IOM’s most significant global initiatives for the year 2017. The report is structured along three chapters: the first chapter presents an overview of current global AVRR trends, which are further elaborated by region in a second chapter. Albeit non exhaustive, the third chapter features some key IOM...
Ethiopia has been facing an increased return of migrants, as a result of mass deportation from countries like Saudi Arabia, The Government of Ethiopia, together with other humanitarian actors successfully managed the return but, due to the absence of a national framework on reintegration, the reintegration component was not addressed. Hence this report...
The report explores some of the issues, obstacles and opportunities related to the return and integration of women migrants who have experienced exploitative situation abroad, including forced labour and human trafficking. It is based on a series of interviews with returned victims of trafficking in Thailand and the Philippines.