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Security sector reform programs restructure police forces to improve how they respond to gender-based violence (GBV). However, significant weaknesses persist in how police officers enforce anti-GBV laws. One area of weakness is the attrition of cases; officers...
One of the most challenging problems facing researchers is the fact that most of the populations relevant to the study of human trafficking, such as victims/survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation, traffickers, or illegal migrants are part of a...
The findings of the report are the results of a wide-ranging, multistakeholder process that included participation by young people. Despite the considerable achievements of the past 10 years, challenges remain. According to 2006 estimates, more than 1 billion...
Trafficking in persons constitutes a grave crime against the individual. The absence of comprehensive data presents a major issue, including in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Many cases go unreported as victims are too afraid to testify...
Trafficking for labour exploitation has increasingly attracted the interest of policy makers, investigators and labour inspectors in Europe. Recognising this interest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands funded the project Capacity Building for...
This document explains why there is an elevated risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, who is likely to be most affected and what operational approaches can be adopted to prevent, mitigate or respond to SGBV by...
Heavy seasonal rainfall starting in December 2014 caused flooding across Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar and Zimbabwe. In Malawi, the floods caused extensive damage to crops, livestock and infrastructure. The southern districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe and...
Around the world more than 50 million people, many of them women, are domestic workers. Of these, a significant number are migrants, including migrants who are in an irregular situation. The work they do is invaluable. Among a myriad other tasks, domestic...
Marriage under the age of 18 is widely considered a human rights violation, though it is legal with parental consent in many countries. It falls within the definition of genderbased violence.Married girls are at risk of intimate partner violence and exposure...
Commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking of children is considered by ILO as one of the worst forms of child labour which requires immediate and definitive action from governments. It is a violation of the fundamental human rights of the most vulnerable...
Since its foundation, the ILO has contributed to state building through social reform, by promoting democratic participation, social dialogue and fundamental rights. In more recent years, it has also highlighted the role of socio-economic programmes and...
This second edition of IOM’s Promoting Safe Migration magazine covers learning on awareness-raising under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative. While the focus is on West and Central Africa and migration, the takeaways apply globally and across topics. The COVID-19...
In March 2020, IOM commissioned Itad to undertake an impact evaluation (IMPACT) of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative Programme for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa (HoA) region (hereafter referred to as ‘JI-HoA’). The IMPACT study focuses...
Since 2019, IOM has placed special attention on building capacity to increase the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the Organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. Following the successful implementation of the IOM...
This report has been commissioned by IOM, together with the International Labour Organization and UN-Women, and seeks to map out and assess the nature and gaps of the reintegration support provided to returnee migrant workers from five South Asian Colombo...
The Horn of Africa region has a high volume of migration flows both into, out of, and within the region. The reasons for migration vary, but deteriorating socio-economic conditions are a significant factor. However, the journey and arrival in transit and host...
In the context of a global pandemic, many migrants returned to their rural areas of origin, both from cities within their own countries and from abroad. While return migration can be an opportunity, this presented considerable challenges for many migrants and...
Across the destination countries of migration, i.e. migrant-receiving countries, in Europe there has been an increasing emphasis on return and reintegration programmes. These programmes particularly target rejected asylum-seekers forced to return, irregular...
Following the conflict with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the number of people engaged in agriculture appears to have declined in districts where displaced people have returned to their areas of origin. This analysis brief looks to gain...
Within the top 14 districts of return in Iraq, conditions and perceptions related to reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) do not appear to vary significantly between women and men or between younger and older respondents. Rather, the gender of...