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La frontera norte de México ha sido durante mucho tiempo un punto crucial de interacción para diferentes flujos migratorios. En los últimos años se ha identificado un aumento de personas que huyen de la violencia y se desplazan hacia el norte, a menudo con la...
Climate change is affecting countries around the world, but some of its most intense impacts occur in low- and middle-income countries that have limited resources to prepare and adapt. Many of these countries also welcome back significant numbers of returned...
The report presents an overview of the status of migrant workers’ access to remedy in Hong Kong SAR China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam, through the lens of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The...
According to the 2016 ILO global estimates, there are a total of 152 million children in child labour and 25 million children and adults in forced labour in the world today. Governments, business, the financial sector and civil society must take strong action...
This report focuses on migrants with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) and their inclusion in protection programming, including in the context of return and reintegration. While efforts to improve...
Afghans engage in migration through irregular means due to a multiplicity of factors such as the continued and worsening security and economic situation in Afghanistan, lack of rights, high unemployment and environmental hazards. The Afghan Safe Migration...
The third edition of IOM’s Promoting Safe Migration publication showcases lessons and achievements from awareness raising under the Cooperation on Migration and Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Solutions (COMPASS) initiative and related interventions, such...
This report presents the joint research findings and conclusions on child labour, forced labour and human trafficking linked to global supply chains from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...
Over the last half decade, IOM has implemented many counter-trafficking actions in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Although there have been major improvements in efforts to combat trafficking in human beings (THB) within these countries, as the modes of...
What makes migrants vulnerable to human trafficking and associated forms of exploitation and abuse? A new study, undertaken by Minderoo Foundation’s Walk Free initiative and IOM, examines the connection between migration and modern slavery, and focuses on...
In September 2013, through the support of the IOM Development Fund, a seven-month needs assessment on the human trafficking situation in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina [BiH], UNSC resolution 1244-administered Kosovo, the former Yugoslav...
Although human trafficking has gathered momentum and several international organizations have developed approaches to address it, the phenomenon remains a serious crime, with grave human rights concerns, that is largely overlooked in crisis situations. In...
This Second Edition reviews legislation and government policy related to combating human trafficking in eight Caribbean countries: The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, the Netherlands Antilles, St Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. This review has...
Although there is consensus among different actors regarding the seriousness and significance of re-trafficking as a problem, there has been very little research conducted into its incidence, cause or consequence. This research paper, funded by United States...
The Republic of Uganda Border and Migration Management Assessment was carried out in 2014 in order to give an overview of the migration management structure of the country. This publication allows the Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control of...
In the framework of the EU action against trafficking in human beings (THB), the project “Towards global EU Action against Trafficking in Human Beings”, which is the subject of this report, facilitated the elaboration and adoption of the Council of Ministers...
Over the past years, public attention has gradually turned to the experiences of migrants along the precarious Mediterranean routes to Europe. A large number of migrants continue to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Europe, often...
Trafficking in human beings is a gross violation of human rights that often involves extreme exploitation and abuse. To date, there has been very limited robust research on the health consequences of human trafficking, particularly for various forms of labour...
Under the framework of the technical working group on Engaging the Security Sector on Gender-based Violence (GBV), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is implementing a project on strengthening response mechanisms and accountability to GBV and...
Young migrants and refugees set out to escape harm or secure better futures – and face staggering risks in the process. For children and youth on the move via the Mediterranean Sea routes to Europe, the journey is marked by high levels of abuse, trafficking...