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This report measures the reintegration of the Iraqi returnees across 14 districts in Iraq. The suitability of their return is measured through eighth criteria and compared to a set of data from 2012 (when applicable). The eight criteria measured are: Safety...
Este Diagnóstico Regional releva cómo las diásporas de América del Sur contribuyen al desarrollo de sus países de origen y cómo éstos, de manera individual y en colaboración, pueden empoderar a las comunidades de la diáspora y así maximizar el impacto de sus...
The report presents key results from a rigorous impact evaluation that assessed the impact of the Migrants as Messengers (MaM) information events in Dakar, Senegal. MaM was a peer-to-peer awareness-raising campaign implemented in Senegal, Guinea and Nigeria...
Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats d'un projet de recherche réalisé dans le cadre du programme « Sécurité, Support et Solutions le long de la Route de la Méditerranée Centrale » financé par le Royaume-Uni à travers le département du développement...
Este quinto informe de seguimiento presenta las conclusiones de la recopilación y revisión de 45 encuestas realizadas por la OIM entre octubre y diciembre de 2020, para captar las experiencias de las personas participantes de sus Programas de Retorno...
This report provides an overview of the findings of surveys conducted by the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) Program in Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico. Each of the 102 respondents was asked a series of 24 to 33 questions by destination...
This Mapping Report of the Kyrgyz Diaspora, Compatriots and Migrants Abroad was commissioned by IOM within the framework of the project titled “Leveraging Diaspora Funding into Climate Action” funded by the IOM Development Fund and managed by IOM Kyrgyzstan in...
The Migration Profile of North Macedonia seeks to provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the current migration situation in the country. Along with presentation and analysis of relevant statistical data, the Profile also examines the demographic...
The Annual Policy Report 2021 provides an overview of migration and asylum-related developments and debates in Austria between January and December 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in (temporary) measures being introduced in a number of areas including...
An extensive array of international agreements and frameworks attest to the urgency of addressing climate change and human mobility together, as climate change, environmental degradation and disasters reshape contemporary human mobility patterns. It is now...
Este estudio de métodos mixtos -una colaboración entre la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), Samuel Hall y la Universidad de Sussex- se basa en investigaciones anteriores sobre deuda y reintegración analizando las experiencias de las...
Este estudio fue resultado de la colaboración entre el Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento (KMH) de la UE y la OIM, con el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea (UE), en colaboración con Samuel Hall y el Centro Africano para la Migración y la Sociedad de la...
The EU-IOM KMH is the only support and resource hub on return and reintegration that is available to support practitioners and policymakers worldwide. The KMH is part of the larger Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration...
Solo entre enero y abril de 2019, casi 72 mil personas migrantes retornaron a los países del Norte de Centroamérica por distintos medios. Las razones de retorno son complejas y se requiere de un apoyo integral para facilitar la reintegración de quienes vuelven...
The Joint Initiative broke new ground in migration governance by engaging with countries on the sensitive topic of return and reintegration of returnees, setting the stage for effective voluntary return processes – even amid COVID-19 border restrictions. The...
This reintegration evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative provides an assessment of reintegration outcomes after three years of program implementation, on the eve of the COVID 19 pandemic. It finds that the intervention has been both relevant and effective...
La serie de fichas de información sobre reintegración sostenible tiene como objetivo presentar hallazgos relacionados con los resultados de reintegración sostenible que surgen de los análisis basados en datos de la RSS y otros datos de seguimiento y evaluación...
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le programme « Sécurité, Support et Solutions le long de la Route de la Méditerranée Centrale » financé par le Royaume-Uni à travers le département du développement international (DFID) dont l’un des objectifs est d’améliorer la...
To better understand the demographic profiles, living conditions and reintegration processes of Afghan returnees, IOM, under the EU-funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”, developed the...
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the unexpected return of many Cambodian women migrant workers to their home provinces. Job losses caused by lockdowns, border closures and a general fear of being separated from family members during the pandemic forced...