This document presents IOM's Protection Division Framework for its specialized protection work and aims to inform its activities globally. The IOM Protection Division is responsible for specialized protection interventions that aim to address protection risks by preventing or responding to actual or potential violations of rights defined by relevant...
Genre et SOGIESC
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This toolkit is developed by the Global Shelter Cluster Working Group on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) risk reduction. It aims to support shelter program staff in mitigating GBV risks through improved shelter and settlement programming. It includes practical tools for assessment, risk mitigation, and response to GBV incidents. The toolkit emphasizes the...
The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by women migrant workers in several African countries, including Côte D’Ivoire, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, Sudan, and Tunisia. It examines the legal and policy frameworks related to migration, anti-trafficking, anti-smuggling, and labor laws from a gender equality and women’s rights...
The United Nations (UN) stands for a world in which all human beings enjoy the full protection of their human rights without discrimination, ensuring no one is left unprotected. Protection entails addressing risks and harms threatening human life, liberty, and dignity by collaborating with diverse stakeholders to achieve tangible outcomes for vulnerable...
The note addresses the compounded vulnerabilities faced by migrants with diverse SOGIESC. It details the discrimination and violence they encounter, such as physical and sexual abuse, lack of documentation, and inadequate access to essential services. The report also highlights the international human rights standards that protect these individuals...
This information note outlines the legal principles and standards that govern the detention of migrants and the use of non-custodial alternatives. It emphasizes that detention should be a measure of last resort, applied only, when necessary, proportionate, and legally justified. The document highlights the importance of procedural safeguards, such as...
This information note emphasizes the importance of ensuring that migrants, regardless of their legal status, have meaningful access to justice. It outlines the general principles of access to justice, including non-discrimination, equal and effective access to tribunals, fair proceedings, and the right to an effective remedy. The document highlights the...
Addressing gender-based violence is key as one of the protection thematic areas. Join the Call for Submissions for the duration of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
This toolbox aims at creating safe(r) spaces for people with a migrant background who identify as LGBTQI+. This toolbox has been developed to help bridge a gap between LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background and frontline services in urban contexts. The different sections of the toolbox have been...
Cette boîte à outils a été conçue pour former les professionnels de première ligne qui travaillent avec les enfants migrants non accompagnés (UMC) dans les centres d'accueil. Elle vise à familiariser les travailleurs de première ligne avec le thème de la violence sexuelle et sexiste et son impact...
This report presents the findings of a comprehensive study on immigration detention and alternatives to detention (ATD) across 19 countries within the five sub-regions of the Asia-Pacific: East and Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South and Southwest Asia, North and Central Asia, and the Pacific. Across the Asia-Pacific region, there is widespread use of...
Rediscover Yenna with its new features for the enhancement of self-learning and advocacy efforts in key areas such as gender equality, mental health, and counter-trafficking.
This Information Note is designed to serve as a resource for practitioners dealing with migration detention and non-custodial alternatives to detention (ATDs). It aims to acquaint them with the relevant international instruments and standards that States are required to uphold in this field. The purpose of this Information Note is to provide an overview of...
Since April 2023, people in Sudan continue to face all forms of protection concerns and a worsening protection crisis, with women, girls, men and boys in situations of vulnerability experiencing the worst consequences. Approximately 2.3 million people have fled to neighbouring countries namely, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, and...
Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10...
With an emphasis on protecting the rights of women and girls in communities impacted by extractive industries, the project "Enhancing the Response to Gender-Based Violence and Trafficking in Persons in the Solomon Islands" seeks to support ongoing initiatives to address gender-based violence (GBV) and trafficking in persons (TIP) in the Solomon Islands. In...
Send your application for the Knowledge Fair and Impact Awards @ IOM, a new initiative designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions and good practices in the field of migration.
Gender is now increasingly becoming central to discussions of the causes and consequences of migration. Given the widespread acknowledgement that the "feminization" of migration has changed migration patterns and processes worldwide, Gender affects migration motivations, migration patterns, and migration behaviors. This publication explores the critical...
IOM conducted an assessment in 2022 across ten communities in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands, to identify gaps and challenges in accessing SafeNet services for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). The evaluation aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the barriers faced by survivors in obtaining essential support services, including medical...
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, encompassing the protection of LGBTI individuals from discrimination, violence, and torture. Despite this, widespread human rights violations against LGBTI people persist globally. The United Nations, alongside regional and national human...