IOM is committed to combating GBV by mitigating GBV risks, addressing its root causes, promoting gender equality and supporting survivors.
En primer plano
The Multistakeholder Pledge aims at enhancing protection for asylum-seekers, refugees, stateless persons and migrants at risk or affected by trafficking in persons, thus supporting the overarching objectives of the Global Compact for Refugees.
The United Nations Network on Migration organized the first peer learning exchange between Central American countries and Mexico on safe, dignified and rights-based return and readmission of migrants and their sustainable reintegration.
Enter K-par-Cas 2, a groundbreaking tool designed to provide essential Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for returning migrants.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have today published the first global technical guidance for administrative data on trafficking in persons.
During a two-day workshop in Ghana, IOM and BMZ regionally presented the research study “Gendered Reintegration Experiences and Gender Sensitive / Responsive / Transformative Approaches to Reintegration”.
The webinar aims to present the research findings and recommendations to a wide interagency audience and provide a platform for questions and discussion on child trafficking, ahead of some relevant key events planned for the remainder of 2023.
El 18 de septiembre de 2023 a las 15:30 horas de Ginebra (CEST) la Plataforma de Retorno y Reintegración realizó el webinario "Migración, género y protección: hacia enfoques transformativos”. Se contó con interpretación simultánea en inglés, francés y español.
La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y el gobierno de El Salvador organizaron la segunda edición del Taller Especializado en Periodismo y Migración.
The report highlights a 70% increase in the number of migrants in vulnerable situations who were assisted to voluntarily return from 4,446 in 2021 to 7,561 in 2022.