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Migrant Vulnerabilities and Integration Needs in Central Asia. Assessing migrants’ and community needs and managing risks

Migrant Vulnerabilities and Integration Needs in Central Asia. Assessing migrants’ and community needs and managing risks
Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Federación de Rusia (la), Tayikistán
Europa Sudoriental, Europa Oriental y Asia Central
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones
P. Kazmierkiewicz

This study is seeking to establish the precise needs of vulnerable migrants and capacities of state institutions and non-state entities to address these vulnerabilities and leveraging the potential for the vulnerable migrants’ successful re-integration into the local labour market. In addition, risk factors limiting chances for migrants’ re-integration and implications for their welfare were identifed and weighted. The risk analysis considers the impact of state policies, measures aiming to reduce shock of re-entry bans, employment and integration services in the regions of migrants’ origin as well as the involvement of home and diaspora communities.

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