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Evaluation Report. Complex Reintegration Assistance for Assisted Voluntary Returnees to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)

Hungría, Kosovo (Resolución 1244 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU - Kosovo administrado)
Espacio Económico Europeo, Europa Sudoriental, Europa Oriental y Asia Central
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones

The report has been prepared as part of the Complex Reintegration Assistance for Assisted Voluntary Returnees to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)1 project, co-funded by the 2013 Hungarian national allocation of the European Return Fund and the Hungarian Ministry of Interior, and implemented by IOM Hungary in cooperation with IOM Prishtina. The present document is suggested to be read as a follow-up of the predecessor project and its report. 2 It intends to aggregate and analyze the feedback provided by interviewed beneficiaries of the reintegration assistance granted under the currently concluded project. The ultimate goal of this paper is to formulate recommendations to further improve and tune return and reintegration programmes.