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Mapping Report of the Kyrgyz Diaspora, Compatriots and Migrants Abroad

Mapping Report of the Kyrgyz Diaspora, Compatriots and Migrants Abroad
Europa Sudoriental, Europa Oriental y Asia Central
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones

This Mapping Report of the Kyrgyz Diaspora, Compatriots and Migrants Abroad was commissioned by IOM within the framework of the project titled “Leveraging Diaspora Funding into Climate Action” funded by the IOM Development Fund and managed by IOM Kyrgyzstan in collaboration with the government and non-government stakeholders involved.

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to supporting the Government of Kyrgyzstan’s strategic vision in climate change adaptation with a special focus on channelling diaspora funding to support climate action. This objective will be achieved by generating evidence of motivational factors among diaspora members and compatriots with regard to supporting climate action (mitigation or adaptation) in Kyrgyzstan and improving awareness and capacities of national stakeholders, particularly relevant government institutions (e.g., Climate Finance Centre and National Council on Diaspora), about the role of diaspora funding in the context of climate finance. IOM generates knowledge through research, and leverages the knowledge generated through the research and stakeholder engagement to build the capacity of relevant government institutions through trainings on migration, environment and climate change and diaspora engagement, ministerial briefings, and by supporting relevant national initiatives such as the National Action Plan for Migration Policy.