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Supporting Safe, Orderly and Dignified Migration through assisted voluntary return and reintegration

Documento de posición
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones
Serie de la publicación
Global Compact Thematic Paper. Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration

In the New York Declaration and its Annex II2, AVRR is an important component of (e) (“The facilitation of safe, orderly, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people”) and (s) (“Return and readmission, and improving cooperation in this regard between countries of origin and destination”).3 Moreover, Recommendation 7 of the Sutherland Report specifically calls on States “….to start a dialogue among countries of origin, transit and destination on return practices….with a view to establishing….shared principles to govern cooperation on return and reintegration in all world regions.” This paper outlines the existing approaches and key gaps faced by States and stakeholders involved in the provision of AVRR and makes recommendations for concrete actions and commitments that could be included in the GCM.