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Ensuring Safe and Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration

Documento de posición
United Nations Network on Migration

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) represents a significant commitment to improve migration governance; it is also an opportunity to maximise the benefits and to address the challenges associated with migration today. To support Member States with the implementation of the GCM, the United Nations Network on Migration (Network) has been established, with several thematic working groups on key priority areas of the Compact. This paper, developed as part of the Network’s Working Group on Return and Reintegration, not only restates commitments under the GCM, but also identifies key principles, and our common position on migrant return and reintegration.

It seeks to assist States and other stakeholders to operationalize Objective 21 of the GCM to cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration, along with the other relevant GCM objectives. In its work on return and reintegration, the Network seeks to develop effective tools to support States in strengthening and improving laws, policies, and practices to ensure that returns are safe and dignified and reintegration is sustainable, in line with international legal frameworks and standards.