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(Re)Building the Future: Supporting the recovery and reintegration of trafficked Children. A handbook for project staff and frontline workers

(Re)Building the Future: Supporting the recovery and reintegration of trafficked Children. A handbook for project staff and frontline workers
Asia y el Pacífico
Terre Des Hommes International Federation
S. Delaney

The primary purpose of this handbook is to expand on project workers’ understanding of how to help trafficked children in schemes supported by members of the Terre des hommes International Federation (TdhIF) and their local partners. Ideally, the material will be useful more generally to other organisations or programmes for abused children. The handbook is not intended to be a training guide but instead should be considered as a tool for reinforcing training previously provided and to act as an introduction for newer workers. It can also be used to help project workers, and their managers, identify areas of further capacity building that may be needed. The handbook seeks to explore the principles underpinning work with trafficked children and to examine the main processes involved. Consideration is also given to the dilemmas that may be encountered and issues that workers should keep in mind as they work with trafficked children. The handbook is divided into sections, beginning with a general discussion about the implications of trafficking for children and its impact on their lives. Each ensuing section covers a different aspect relating to the reintegration of trafficked children. This has been done as a way of systematically organising the material. It should be remembered that there is considerable overlap between the sections: each aspect affects the others and should not be considered in isolation.