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Reintegration good practices #3 - Support for Entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso

Reintegration good practices #3 - Support for Entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso
Ficha informativa sobre buenas prácticas
Burkina Faso
África Central y Occidental
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones
Serie de la publicación
Reintegration Assistance. Good, Promising and Innovative Practices

In Burkina Faso, an integrated system has been set up to enable returning migrants wishing to engage in entrepreneurial projects to choose a relevant activity. This system is based on different activities including, in chronological order: job counselling sessions, entrepreneurship trainings, business plans development and their approval by a selection committee.

Building on the returnees’ skills and experience and through the involvement of experts in the targeted sectors, this system enables beneficiaries to acquire the required tools for the viability of their entrepreneurial project.

It ensures the involvement of actors on the ground, including local authorities, technical experts and civil society members, who guide migrants in their choices and support them to design, fund, and implement their entrepreneurial project.