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Cette recherche vise donc à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés dans lesquelles...
Cette recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés de retour afin de...
La recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les contextes des communautés de retour...
The research has delivered useful insights into the differences between asylum seekers and irregular migrants as regards their migration behaviour in general and their plans concerning return and reintegration assistance in particular. The study suggests that...
Responding to chronic labour shortages in the oil rich Arab states in the 1970s and 1980s, some Asian states have been among the first to develop an active overseas employment or labour migration policy that seeks to provide protection to its nationals working...
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the main population movement trends that affected the East and Horn of Africa in 2018. The region continues to exhibit high mobility patterns, both internally within countries and across national...
The International Organization for Migration continues to be actively involved in a number of Migrants' Assistance projects and Human Mobility data collection activities in the Horn of Africa (HoA) and in the Arab Peninsula. This report aims at providing an...
Thus far, 2018 has been historic in many ways. Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a landmark declaration of peace and friendship on 9 July, casting aside decades of hostility in a matter of weeks. The announcement of the end to the state of war was met by widespread...
This report aims to provide an overview of the trends observed in the second half of 2017 on the Western route across Yemen, Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia and was produced using data from IOM’s Migrants’ Assistance projects and Human Mobility data collection...
Despite the ongoing crisis that has forced millions of Iraqis flee their homes, the fact that hundreds of thousands of them are able to return to their places of origin is a sign of hope. However, while many may already back, putting an end to forced...
The report has been prepared as part of the Complex Reintegration Assistance for Assisted Voluntary Returnees to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244)1 project, co-funded by the 2013 Hungarian national allocation of the European Return Fund and the Hungarian Ministry of...
Persons who live in Switzerland under the asylum system who choose to return voluntarily to their country of origin are eligible to ask for support with reintegration. Since 2002, the project Reintegration Assistance from Switzerland (RAS), funded by the State...
This document presents an analysis of interviews conducted with all individuals assisted in their voluntary return by IOM in 2017 and 2018 (65,000) to one of the 23 countries covered by the West and Central Africa region (WCA). The analysis combines datasets...
Deciding to return to ones country of origin is not easy. Factors influencing this decision vary from case to case and the backgrounds of returnees are also different. IOM Malta endeavours to provide each returnee with all the information available, in order...
This research report is published in the framework of the project "Return Initiative of Irregular Migrants". The general objective of the project was to contribute to the increase of humane and orderly voluntary return of irregular migrants staying illegally...
The study aims to examine the influence of staying in immigration detention on the decision-making process of irregular migrants in immigration detention regarding leaving the country. It will do so by making an inventory of the factors and roles of...
This report deals with the issue of voluntary return of HIV-positive Africans in the Netherlands, who have been rejected for asylum or are staying in the country as irregular migrants. Dutch immigration policy stipulates that any migrant without a legal status...
This research report is published in the framework of the projects "Randstad Return Initiative II" and "Return Initiative of Irregular Migrants". The research was conducted in the Netherlands.
This document presents a detailed evaluation of the IOM Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals Project, Phase III. The report details 26 findings grouped into four sections covering: Relevance; Outreach; Diaspora Culture and Return; and Impact.
Although 18 months have passed since the Iraqi government officially declared victory over the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the city of Mosul – and particularly west Mosul, which was the group’s final stronghold in Iraq – is still facing...