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This AVRR 2017 Key Highlights report showcases some of IOM’s most significant global initiatives for the year 2017. The report is structured along three chapters: the first chapter presents an overview of current global AVRR trends, which are further...
The AVRR Key Highlights report showcases some of IOM's most significant contributions for the year 2016. This report is structured by two distinct though complementary chapters: while the first chapter presents an overview of current trends and facts for AVRR...
Ethiopia has been facing an increased return of migrants, as a result of mass deportation from countries like Saudi Arabia, The Government of Ethiopia, together with other humanitarian actors successfully managed the return but, due to the absence of a...
This information sheet aims to give a brief overview of the VARRP Reintegration Assistance programme under the New Approach from the end of October 2007 to the end of December 2009. The information given in this document is split into two parts. Part 1 gives...
Cette recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés de retour afin de...
This report is a mapping and socio-economic profiling of communities of return in Ghana, based on a field research in Ghana carried out in February 2018. This analysis aims to better understand the communities in which returnees arrive, to make recommendations...
The objective of this report is to support the operationalisation of the Joint Initiative for Migration Protection and Reintegration in Africa and to better understand the communities in which returning migrants return or arrive - to make recommendations at...
In the past five years, hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants deported from Mexico and the United States—including tens of thousands of children—have arrived back in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. For many...
To enable returning migrants to achieve sustainable reintegration, activities must include, in addition to economic projects, initiatives addressing the social and the psychosocial dimensions of sustainable reintegration. To this end, the analysis presented in...
This document seeks to contribute to understanding Gambia’s complex dynamics to help IOM adapt its reintegration strategy and activities in areas of actual or potential return. To do so, this synthesis report identifies a number of challenges in the context of...
Cette recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre le contexte des communautés de...
La présente étude vise à soutenir la mise en place opérationnelle de l’Initiative conjointe à travers: 1) une étude de 6 communautés de retourr et à fort potentiel migratoire identifiées par l’OIM en Côte d’Ivoire et 2) une base de référence...
Cette recherche vise donc à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés dans lesquelles...
Cette recherche vise donc à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés dans lesquelles...
Cette recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les communautés de retour afin de...
La recherche vise à soutenir la mise en place d’activités économiques, sociales et psychosociales favorisant la réintégration durable des migrants assistés au retour. Son objectif général est de mieux comprendre les contextes des communautés de retour...
The research has delivered useful insights into the differences between asylum seekers and irregular migrants as regards their migration behaviour in general and their plans concerning return and reintegration assistance in particular. The study suggests that...
Responding to chronic labour shortages in the oil rich Arab states in the 1970s and 1980s, some Asian states have been among the first to develop an active overseas employment or labour migration policy that seeks to provide protection to its nationals working...
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the main population movement trends that affected the East and Horn of Africa in 2018. The region continues to exhibit high mobility patterns, both internally within countries and across national...
The International Organization for Migration continues to be actively involved in a number of Migrants' Assistance projects and Human Mobility data collection activities in the Horn of Africa (HoA) and in the Arab Peninsula. This report aims at providing an...