Esta serie de podcasts fue producida por el Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento UE-OIM, implementada por la OIM y financiada por la Unión Europea de 2017 a 2022. La serie explora los principales aspectos, oportunidades y desafíos de los recorridos de integración de los inmigrantes de regreso. Al fomentar el diálogo entre las partes interesadas y los profesionales, los episodios no solo comparten buenas prácticas en la programación de retorno y reintegración, sino que también fomentan la atención a la protección de los derechos de los migrantes y los beneficios de construir la propiedad, las comunidades de origen y los gobiernos sobre estos temas.
Los episodios fueron producidos con el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea. Las opiniones aquí expresadas son las de los ponentes y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista de la Unión Europea.
Migr’histoires explores the diversity of imaginations linked to migration through narration and storytelling. What motivates young people to leave? To leave their daily lives and everyone they know to settle in another country and start all over again? In recent years, many young Africans have chosen this often perilous path. While economic factors such as poverty, underdevelopment and lack of jobs are usually mentioned as push factors, other motivations also play a leading role. Migr’histoires is aimed at people who shed new light on how we perceive decision-making in matters of migration. Each in their own way, our guests transformed their personal migration story into a commitment to young people living in West Africa today.
The first series of this podcast was produced in French and is available here.
The second series, available in English below, aims to shed light on the work of several specialized researchers on the study of migration phenomena, in particular the recent results from the MigChoice research project, carried out in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and the University of Birmingham.
This podcast is produced by the International Organization for Migration, music and editing by www.jaymdel.com.