Under the framework of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), the seminar "Fostering and strengthening interlinkages between sustainable development and reintegration programmes" was held on 1 and 2 December, 2021. During this event key interlinkages...
During the webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, the ORION project team together with mentors and Samuel Hall presented the results achieved as well as the lessons learnt and good practices that could be replicated elsewhere through this...
La plupart des migrants de retour au Sénégal sont endettés. Ils ont contracté des prêts soit pour financer leur parcours migratoire, soit pour couvrir des frais personnels et professionnels. Ces prêts créent des contraintes financières et morales qui...
The closing event of the IOM ORION (Operationalising an Integrated Approach to Reintegration) project took place on 26 November 2020. This project, funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), has been running since February 2018 and...
The study, conducted in collaboration with the Samuel Hall think tank and the University of Sussex under the FCDO-funded ORION Project, analyses outcomes of reintegration in three fieldwork countries (Guinea, Morocco, and Senegal), combined with analysis of...
Esta red, que hasta la fecha opera en 34 países de todo el mundo, aspira a fomentar la cooperación entre las autoridades de migración, con objeto de: permitir y mejorar el retorno y la reintegración mediante la contratación conjunta de asociados para la...
The webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, introduced innovative practices of environmentally sustainable reintegration and their positive impact on both climate change adaptation as well as returnees’ reintegration in their countries of...
This report constitutes the third thematic report on reintegration assistance under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Sahel and Lake Chad region. The first report, published in March 2019, described the approach...
This report constitutes the second thematic report on reintegration assistance under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Sahel and Lake Chad region. The first report, published in March 2019, described the approach...
El programa ”Retornar a nuevas oportunidades” del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo de Alemania (BMZ, por sus siglas en alemán) crea perspectivas para migrantes que retornan a sus países, desplazados internos y comunidades locales en los...
Los mentores, que son miembros de la comunidad (incluidos migrantes que retornaron anteriormente), sirven como vínculo entre los migrantes que retornan y la comunidad, y ayudan a los migrantes a llevar a la práctica sus planes de reintegración. Los mentores...
FORAS, palabra árabe que significa “oportunidades”, es un proyecto que se propone fortalecer la reintegración sostenible de los migrantes que vuelven desde Marruecos a ocho países de origen seleccionados (Burkina Faso, Camerún, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Malí...
FORAS, meaning “opportunities” in Arabic, is a project that aims at strengthening the sustainable reintegration of migrants returning from Morocco to eight target countries of origin (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea...
The study of reintegration after return is often disconnected from research into the intention and realization of return. This article develops a new conceptual framework, linking the intention and realization of return with the reintegration process. This...
Among the different stages of the migration process, return is the one which is least well understood. The motives guiding return cannot be easily categorized and are highly context dependent (Bastia, 2011). Scholars and policymakers have focused on...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation...
This report, prepared and conducted by Samuel Hall under the Mediterranean Sustainable Reintegration (MEASURE) Project, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), outlines recommendations to support sustainable reintegration of migrants...
Emprendida en diciembre de 2016, con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario de Emergencia para África de la Unión Europea, la Iniciativa Conjunta UE-OIM es el primer programa global que reúne a países africanos, OIM y UE en torno al objetivo común de garantizar que las migraciones sean más seguras, se apoyen en mejor información y estén sujetas a una mejor gobernanza, tanto para las personas migrantes como para sus comunidades.
Le projet FORAS a pour objectif d’apporter aux migrants désireux de re-tourner volontairement dans leur pays d’origine et qui sont originaires des huit pays cibles (Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Mali, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)...
L’objectif principal de la recherche est d’analyser les principales opportunités de réintégration économique dans cinq pays d’origine (Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Mali et Sénégal) en (i) Analysant les besoins, les manques et les opportunités liés aux...