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IOM Georgia offering return assistance. Photo: IOM / Eric Gourlan
During this public webinar the pilot scheme for assisted voluntary medical return from France to Georgia, funded by the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII) was presented.
Over the last half decade, IOM has implemented many counter-trafficking actions in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Although there have been major improvements in efforts to combat trafficking in human beings (THB) within these countries, as the modes of...
This booklet was prepared with a mission to inform the public at large about human trafficking consisting in the exploitation of persons and prevent the rates and consequences of this crime which is today at the center of growing public attention worldwide...

Una historia de reintegración colectiva

La historia de reintegración de Natia

Este estudio fue resultado de la colaboración entre el Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento (KMH) de la UE y la OIM, con el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea (UE), en colaboración con Samuel Hall y el Centro Africano para la Migración y la Sociedad de la...
Under the overall objective of contributing to the Government of Georgia's efforts to support sustainable reintegration of returning migrants and community revitalization, the project seeks to pilot innovative interventions supporting the development of local...
The initiative aims at supporting the return and reintegration of Georgians from France (including family members), who are eligible for the OFII’s assisted voluntary return programme and whose state of health requires a medical care available in Georgia...
Despite the increasing attention in academic literature, it continues to be extremely challenging to capture the complexity of reintegration processes and post-return situations. This article argues that the concept of well-being, which captures contextual...
Under the framework of the  EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), the seminar "Fostering and strengthening interlinkages between sustainable development and reintegration programmes" was held on 1 and 2 December, 2021. During this event key interlinkages...
The fourth volume of the series entitled "Beiträge zu Migration und Integration" (Contributions to Migration and Integration Studies) focuses on return and reintegration of migrants to Turkey, Georgia and the Russian Federation. In this project, various groups...
A webinar session on  “Monitoring the sustainable reintegration of child returnees: introducing a new practical tool ” was jointly organized by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) and the International...
Este estudio se encargó en el marco del Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento de la UE-OIM en el marco del proyecto “Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration”, financiado por la Unión Europea e implementado por la OIM. Los...
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes and stand-alone Reintegration Assistance programmes play a key role in supporting the immediate and mid-to-long-term needs of returning migrants and their sustainable reintegration in a country of origin...
Desde 2015, los migrantes que retornan a un número de países seleccionados en el marco del programa de Retorno Voluntario Asistido y Reintegración de Bélgica, financiado por Fedasil, pueden recibir apoyo adicional, ya que se los pone en contacto con cursos de...
The webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management, introduced the innovative practice of Virtual Counselling, a project implemented by IOM and funded by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, allowing migrants living in Germany to...
Esta red, que hasta la fecha opera en 34 países de todo el mundo, aspira a fomentar la cooperación entre las autoridades de migración, con objeto de: permitir y mejorar el retorno y la reintegración mediante la contratación conjunta de asociados para la...
Stories Untold: Return of Georgian Migrants in Photos features the personal accounts of 24 Georgian migrants who have returned to their home country and rebuilt their lives after spending time overseas, with the support of the International Organization for...
The present report is part of the evaluation of the Swiss Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) mandated by the Federal Office for Migration (FOM) in 2012. The report aims at contributing to reaching the evaluation objectives and providing answers...
This report presents findings of the interim review of the third phase (phase III) of the ITF/IOM/ADA project: "Socioeconomic Reintegration for Mine Victims in the South Caucasus". This phase concentrates on intervention in two countries of the region: Armenia...