Check out the latest protection related resources on East, Horn and Southern Africa, coordinated by the IOM Regional Data Hub.
Mental health challenges and psychosocial stressors can negatively impact migrants' well-being. Many of the challenges they face are exacerbated by barriers to accessing essential services and support networks. Access the latest resources.
Rediscover Yenna with its new features for the enhancement of self-learning and advocacy efforts in key areas such as gender equality, mental health, and counter-trafficking.
CTDC is launching new Global dataset with harmonized data from counter-trafficking organizations around the world for more easy & reliable data on human trafficking.
The Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP) was created in 2017 by young people, for young people, to influence the highest levels of international migration policymaking, to give a voice to youth who have experienced migration first hand, and to impact...
Send your application for the Knowledge Fair and Impact Awards @ IOM, a new initiative designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions and good practices in the field of migration.
IOM has been increasingly focusing on innovative approaches to identify and mitigate trafficking risks, including effective digital and route-based prevention methods.
IOM has been implementing an innovative practice in the Western Balkans: simulation exercise aimed at strengthening the capacities of both law enforcement officials and service providers to counter human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
The Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC) has relaunched its website with a user-friendly interface designed to enhance accessibility and navigation to standardized case data on human trafficking.
UNODC and IOM invite researchers to submit research abstracts on “Migrant Smuggling”, under the umbrella of UNNM Workstream to enhance migrant protection and coordination against trafficking.
La Plataforma de Protección de Migrantes se enorgullece de sumar esfuerzos con el Centro de la Red sobre Migración para lanzar una convocatoria conjunta de buenas prácticas! En vísperas del Día Mundial contra la Trata de Personas, el 30 de julio de 2024...
The Migrant Protection Platform stands as one of the key instruments to facilitate such dialogue and knowledge sharing. The activities highlighted on the Platform's knowledge base underscore its alignment with the GCM objectives.
The “Aware Migrants” information campaign was designed to raise awareness among migrants and their communities about the risks of irregular migration along African routes across the desert and the Mediterranean Sea.
IOM is committed to combating GBV by mitigating GBV risks, addressing its root causes, promoting gender equality and supporting survivors.
The Multistakeholder Pledge aims at enhancing protection for asylum-seekers, refugees, stateless persons and migrants at risk or affected by trafficking in persons, thus supporting the overarching objectives of the Global Compact for Refugees.
Enter K-par-Cas 2, a groundbreaking tool designed to provide essential Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for returning migrants.
The Migrant Centres toolkit is an open-source toolkit for migrant centre administration and management. It is intended as a practical resource for field practitioners providing access to key guidance material, tools and best practices.
The materials produced include short videos of migrant stories, a podcast series facilitating dialogue and exchanges among experts and practitioners, and capacity development videos, particularly suited for training activities.
IOM has launched a dedicated Virtual Counselling forum on the Community of Practice of the Return and Reintegration Platform.
Yenna is designed to equip users with the necessary tools and skills to implement community-based awareness-raising initiatives, including co-design, peer-to-peer communication, and community dialogue.