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Making Change for and with Children through the GCM: Insights and Inspiration for Action | IMRF Side Event | 17 May 2022

Invitation to the International Migration Review Forum 2022.
Invitation to the International Migration Review Forum 2022.

In 2022, nearly four years after the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), governments, stakeholders and the United Nations system will meet to discuss the successes and challenges of implementing this landmark cooperative framework. The first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) is being held under the auspices of the General Assembly, chaired by the President of the General Assembly, at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York from 17-20 May 2022, with a preparatory stakeholder hearing taking place on 16 May.

A series of IMRF side-events will be organized in the margins of the IMRF. They will provide an opportunity to discuss good practices, challenges and recommendations to further the implementation of the GCM. Side-events will take place on 16-20 May 2022.

The Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts, Save the Children and Terre des Hommes in collaboration with the governments of Colombia and Luxemburg, UNICEF, IOM and the Office of the UN Special Representative on Violence against Children are pleased to invite you to the Side Event:  Making Change for and with Children through the GCM to discuss how to ensure the GCM’s implementation can contribute to the protection, respect and fulfilment of the rights of all children and build on experiences, learning and partnerships.

Event Objectives


  1. Show how a child-sensitive and child-focused implementation of the GCM is achievable by sharing practices, tools and lessons learned and recommendations and highlighting opportunities for collaboration and partnerships. 
  2. Highlight the key issues faced by children in accessing protection, services, sustainable solutions and offer opportunities for reflection on how to fulfill children's rights through the implementation of the GCM
  3. Introduce and launch a new guide from the Initiative with more detail on actionable ways to implement the GCM for and with children with concrete advice and examples. 
  4. Ensure a space for children with experience of migration or having been affected by migration to bring their experience and knowledge to influence the discussions.

Interpretation will be provided in English - Spanish and English - French.

Register Here 



Tuesday May 17th, 2022

Time: 8.30am New York / 2:30pm Geneva

See the time in different time zones here


Opening Remarks

Welcome and framing by the moderators, Daniela Reale and Caroline Horne, Co-chairs of the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts


Keynote speech

Najat Maalla M'jid, Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children will speak about the issues that affect migrant children.


Perspectives of children



Rapid rich insights on “How to foster child-centred GCM implementation” with multi-stakeholder examples presented by different stakeholders, including children and youth and representing diversity of regions and issues.

  • Migrant Adolescent from Veneuela
  • H.E. Mr Olivier Maes, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Luxemburg at the United Nations
  • Mr. Juan Francisco Espinosa, Director of Migración, Government of Colombia
  • Ms Verena Knaus, Global Lead Migration & Displacement, UNICEF
  • Ms Rosilyne Borland, Head of Return and Reintegration Unit - Protection Division, IOM


Outline of new guide from the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts


Closing Remarks from the moderators.

