Join IOM at the 2024 Humanitarian Network and Partnerships Week

IOM and the Inter-Agency Steering Committee Accountability to Affected Populations (IASC AAP) Task Force 2 are partnering to organise the panel session "Humanitarian Network and Partnerships Week: Humanitarian Leadership on Collective Accountability to Affected Population- Are we heading in the right direction?"
This panel session has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 8th from 9:00 to 10:30 am CEST. The session is intended for in-country humanitarian leaders, humanitarian professionals, and AAP/Community Engagement practitioners. With the main objective of exploring opportunities for integrated and collaborative work on AAP and to strengthen other cross-cutting commitments throughout the crisis continuum.
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Join the in-person conversation with humanitarian leaders during the Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week 2024. Where you will be able to engage in dialogue about the obstacles and insights encountered when striving to increase accountability to those we aid during times of crisis.
The event will launch the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Force 2 Accountability to Affected Population Training Package, developed to enhance the capacity of humanitarian country teams and in-country leaders.
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