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Tanker om Tilbake: Barn og unges tanker om retur till Afghanistan

Tanker om Tilbake: Barn og unges tanker om retur till Afghanistan
Asia y el Pacífico
Save the Children Norway
R. Jafar

The question of return can be painful and difficult for asylum-seeking children and youth to speak about. Nevertheless, Save the Children believes that it is something that we bravely must speak about and acknowledge.

This report seeks to gain a better understanding of children and youth's thoughts about returning to Afghanistan, it seeks to close the knowledge gap between policy and the situation of the affected children. It asks:

  • What thoughts do they have about returning to Afghanistan?
  • How do they experience the asylum-decision waiting time?

The Convention on the Rights of the Child confirms that children have the right to influence debates on issues that affect them. So far, the return of asylum-seekers has only been discussed by adults. It is children's turn to speak up on the issue and enlighten adults on their concerns about returning. 

The report is available in Norwegian.