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Methodological Report IMPACT - Impact Evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa region

Etiopía, Somalia, Sudán
África Oriental y el Cuerno de África
IOM Regional Office for the East and Horn of Africa, ITAD

The Impact Evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative Programme for Migrant Protection and Reintegration (Horn of Africa), hereby IMPACT, aims to provide a robust assessment of the impact of IOM’s reintegration assistance, providing an accountability mechanism to beneficiaries of the programme, the donor and wider sector, and an evidence base to inform future reintegration programming, while maximising cost-effectiveness. IMPACT will focus on Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan where the number of programme beneficiaries is the highest.

As a flagship evaluation for IOM, this work is intended to generate substantial learning on evaluating impact of sustainable reintegration programmes, as well as informing future methodological standards. The IMPACT is also expected to inform IOM’s understanding of sustainable reintegration metrics through testing of the relatively new Reintegration Sustainability Index (RSI) and its related survey (Reintegration Sustainability Survey), introduced in 2018 by IOM to better monitor and compare individual reintegration outcomes.