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The joint research between the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University (FXB Centre) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) aims to examine the challenges along migration routes within and through West...
This report provides a snapshot of international data across a range of migration topics that are relevant to policymakers, the public and others. This overview of key migration trends is of particular importance due to not only the migration-related aspects...
Since 2000, IOM has been producing its flagship world migration reports every two years. The World Migration Report 2022, the eleventh in the world migration report series, has been produced to contribute to increased understanding of migration and mobility...
This document presents an analysis of interviews conducted with all individuals assisted in their voluntary return by IOM in the first semester of 2020 (8,260) to one of the 23 countries covered by the West and Central Africa region (WCA). The analysis...
This document presents an analysis of interviews conducted with all individuals assisted in their voluntary return by IOM in 2017-2020 (109,846) to one of the 23 countries covered by the West and Central Africa region (WCA). The analysis combines datasets from...
Building on the global joint work by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the World Food Programme (WFP) on the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on hunger, migration and displacement in the world from November 2020, this...
Established in early 2018, the Regional Data Hub (RDH) for East and Horn of Africa aims to support evidence-based, strategic and policy-level discussion on migration through a combination of initiatives. The RDH aims to enhance the availability of migration...
Since May 2017, IOM has electronically registered 421,709 returnees Ethiopians, this factsheet presents their profiles, as well as key data pertaining return and reintegration in the KSA. Background: In April 2017, the Government of Saudi Arabia launched a...
The political and humanitarian landscape of the EHoA region has been highly fluid since 2018. Despite the complex mix of protracted crises and new emerging internal displacement, especially due to conflict in Ethiopia which drove the regional number of...
Esta iniciativa llevada a cabo por la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) y el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) en El Salvador, consistió en un proceso de trabajo conjunto en el que la persona migrante retornada tuvo la oportunidad de...
Esta sistematización muestra el trabajo realizado por la OIM El Salvador en un programa para la reinserción cultural de migrantes retornados llamado Mi nueva Vida Es. El objetivo fue brindar a la población salvadoreña retornada sin arraigo atención inmediata y...
La OIM Guatemala desarrolló SINAREM (Sistema Nacional de Referenciación a Servicios de Reintegración a Migrantes) /OportuGuate un sistema y una aplicación para conectar a migrantes retornados en busca de trabajo con potenciales empleadores, así como...
Esta iniciativa desarrollada por la OIM en su oficina en Honduras consistió en el acondicionamiento de los centros de atención a migrantes como respuesta a la crisis humanitaria ante los altos flujos migratorios de personas hondureñas retornadas al país. El...
Esta sistematización muestra la experiencia en el fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales en los municipios de Zacatecoluca, Usulután, San Miguel, Mejicanos, llevada a cabo por la OIM El Salvador. Con el fin de fortalecer la atención en el proceso...
Esta sistematización recoge la experiencia de OIM El Salvador mediante la implementación de una iniciativa vinculada al retorno y reintegración de migrantes. El Capital Semilla consiste en una intervención de donación de bienes, materiales, dinero e insumos...
Research report 34 presents the initial analyses and findings from the research project entitled "Evaluation of the return programme StarthilfePlus". In this project, the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (FOMR) and the...
The region that stretches from Panama northward to the United States is a major corridor for unauthorized migration. In recent years, most people on the move have come from Guatemala, Honduras, and, to a lesser extent, El Salvador. But there has also been an...
Skilled migration brings widely acknowledged economic benefits for both destination countries and migrants themselves. The impact of skilled emigration on countries of origin has been the subject of much more debate. Despite a growing academic consensus that...
Este informe resume los resultados de las encuestas de 67 personas beneficiarias del Programa de Retorno Voluntario Asistido (RVA) de la OIM, asistidas de mayo a julio de 2021. Entre uno y tres meses después del retorno, los equipos de monitoreo de México...
The qualitative research explores vulnerabilities and risks of exploitation faced by Vietnamese migrant workers during recruitment, employment at destinations, and upon return to Viet Nam. The report captures the experiences of Vietnamese migrant workers on...