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As of December 2020, Iraq has witnessed the return of 4.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their places of origin in the aftermath of the ISIL conflict. This is a significant returnee population and, while the movement home is a first step toward...
Seven months after the first cases of COVID-19 emerged in Bangladesh, the pandemic continues to impact mobility, security and socioeconomic stability within the country and on a global scale. As a result, migrant returnees remain vulnerable to a number of...
An estimated 34 million children and youth are forcibly displaced and many more are on the move in search of economic and educational opportunities. Digital connectivity, digital data and emerging technologies are changing how displaced people inform...
The first Knowledge Bite, published in October 2020, gave a first indication of some of the factors that can contribute to or hamper sustainable reintegration outcomes. Notably, the results revealed that returnees benefiting from economic reintegration...
This third monitoring report presents the survey results from Belizean and Costa Rican beneficiaries assisted by IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs in El Salvador, Guatemala/Belize and Honduras. The survey purpose is to gain a deeper understanding...
IOM monitoring reports present a summary of surveys and interviews conducted with returned migrants, since March 2020, as participants in IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs in North of Central America Countries (Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, and...
This monitoring report presents feedback received from 21 migrants who returned to Honduras from Guatemala and from El Salvador to Nicaragua through IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population...
This fourth monitoring report summarizes 116 surveys that IOM conducted since March 2020 to capture the experiences of participants in the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs in El Salvador, Guatemala/Belize, and Honduras. The primary purpose of these...
The migrant population in the People’s Republic of China grew steadily over 30 years before showing signs of decline in the last 5 years. In the paper, push and pull factors identified were associated with the availability of assets both in migration...
COVID-19 has posed significant challenges for IOM, affecting the provision of much needed support to migrants and governments alike. It has been particularly challenging for the Organization’s migrant protection and assistance work, where most of the...
The Impact Evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative Programme for Migrant Protection and Reintegration (Horn of Africa), hereby IMPACT, aims to provide a robust assessment of the impact of IOM’s reintegration assistance, providing an accountability mechanism...
In line with the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016) and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework - preceded by the Brazil Plan of Action (2014) and the San José Action Statement (2016) - countries in Central America and Mexico have...
La plupart des migrants de retour au Sénégal sont endettés. Ils ont contracté des prêts soit pour financer leur parcours migratoire, soit pour couvrir des frais personnels et professionnels. Ces prêts créent des contraintes financières et morales qui...
La migration de retour est un phénomène qui a pris de l’ampleur au Mali avec l’insécurité croissante de la région, la dangerosité des routes migratoires caractérisées par la traversée de la mer Méditerranée ou du désert du Sahara, le renforcement des contrôles...
Les coûts imprévus et les risques liés à la migration irrégulière dissuadent certains migrants qui décident de rentrer dans leurs pays d’origine. Un facteur en particulier va influencer significativement les conditions de réintégration du migrant de retour...
La présente étude s’intéresse à l’impact des crédits contractés par les migrants de retour sur leur réintégration en Côte d’Ivoire. Elle entend: 1) Détailler les montants, les mécanismes et les temporalités des différents types de prêts financiers effectués...
Malgré les dangers rencontrés le long de la route de la Méditerranée Centrale, et les prix élevés des passages des frontières, la migration irrégulière a continué d’attirer de nombreux Burkinabè, motivés par l’espoir d’une vie meilleure et sans conflits...
The study, conducted in collaboration with the Samuel Hall think tank and the University of Sussex under the FCDO-funded ORION Project, analyses outcomes of reintegration in three fieldwork countries (Guinea, Morocco, and Senegal), combined with analysis of...
The research report presents the results of the “Project Migrants Interested in Returning” (PRIM), which was carried out at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in 2019 on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)...
Most migrants who return to the Gambia are indebted. Loans are contracted either in the context of migrating, or to cover personal and professional expenses. They create financial and social constraints which shape the returnees’ ability to participate...