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Climate change, environmental degradation, and disasters adversely impact the well-being and rights of migrants and their communities. They often act as drivers of displacement, erode access to basic rights and increase protection risks. They may also leave...
La Coordinación de Abordaje de la Violencia por Razones de Género contra Personas Migrantes, enmarca sus acciones en el Plan Nacional de Acción y desarrolla diferentes líneas de trabajo con personas migrantes en situación de violencia de género. Además...
El “Ciclo de Webinarios: Trata de personas en tiempos de COVID-19” fue una iniciativa de diálogo virtual implementado a nivel regional, en el que mediante cinco sesiones se analizaron los riesgos, buenas prácticas, lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones en el...
Victims of trafficking are subjected to exploitation in various ways. Sometimes, as a result of their victimization, they engage in illegal conduct. Common examples include involvement in the sex trade, involvement in drug production or trafficking, petty...
This Policy Brief represents the reflections of more than 120 practitioners, policy-makers, academics and faith representatives engaged in work with displaced and migrating children from Syria, Ukraine and Latin America. In a series of consultations, this body...
This policy brief summarizes the findings of a joint study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) that examined links between climate change and labour migration. In Malaysia, the study focused on...
This brief provides insights for businesses on climate change, labour migration and human rights, drawing on a joint study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Stockholm Environment Institute. The study focused on migrant workers from...
This policy brief summarizes the findings of a joint study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Stockholm Environment Institute that examined links between climate change and international labour migration. In Thailand, the study...
Persons with disabilities are often among the most vulnerable and disproportionately affected groups in migration and forced displacement situations. Within the population of persons on the move with disabilities, subgroups like older migrants and women and...
Climate change is affecting countries around the world, but some of its most intense impacts occur in low- and middle-income countries that have limited resources to prepare and adapt. Many of these countries also welcome back significant numbers of returned...
The Coronavirus pandemic is dramatically impacting all aspects of the work being carried out by the United Nations. The purpose of this paper is to outline a number of policy and operational implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevention of and...
The coronavirus is not only claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, but is also causing a global economic crisis that is expected to rival or exceed that of any recession in the past 150 years. Although decisive action and containment measures are helping...
Trata de personas, especialmente mujeres y niños: proteccion de las víctimas de la trata de personas y las personas en riesgo de ser objeto de trata, especialmente las mujeres y los niños, en situaciones de conflicto y posteriores a conflictos.
Trafficking in persons (TIP) is a crime and a grave violation of human rights defined in Article 3(a) of the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. A growing body of research has shown that humanitarian crises may exacerbate pre...
Building on the existing foundation of research, this chapter examines two distinctive case studies, the Nepal earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the mixed migration flows through the Western Balkans between spring 2015 and spring 2016. It assesses whether these...
Adopting a feminist perspective, this paper analyses the doctrine of humanitarian intervention and its impact on women in recipient states, particularly with regard to sexual violence. By analysing the phenomenon of post-conflict trafficking in Kosovo...
The "COVID-19 Analytical Snapshot #1: Tools and Resources" is designed to capture the latest information and analysis on Understanding the migration & mobility implications of COVID-19 in a fast-moving environment. In this snapshot: IOM Crisis Response Key...
The "COVID-19 Analytical Snapshot #34: Environmental migration and displacement" is designed to capture the latest information and analysis on consular assistance in a fast-moving environment. In this snapshot: New research & analysis on environmental...
The "COVID-19 Analytical Snapshot #17: Impacts on migrant children and youth" is designed to capture the latest information and analysis on impacts on migrant children and youth in a fast-moving environment. In this snapshot: Migrant children and youth The...
The "COVID-19 Analytical Snapshot #14: Human trafficking" is designed to capture the latest information and analysis on Human trafficking in a fast-moving environment. In this snapshot: What is human trafficking? Human trafficking, modern slavery and smuggling...