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Return Migration and the Problem of Reintegration

Artículo (revista, blog, etc.)
África Oriental y el Cuerno de África , África Meridional
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones, The Authors International Migration
Serie de la publicación
International Migration, Vol. 38, 5, 2000
O. O. Arowolo

This article proposes a programme approach for achieving the social and economic reintegration of all categories of return migrants. As former exiles who have returned to their country of origin are no longer refugees, some government agencies need to organize the reception of, and provide assistance to, returnees. But without long‐term planning, ad hoc committees are unable to be effective facilitators of the reintegration process. The article suggests a list of major elements necessary for an effective reintegration programme, and argues that governments should focus on the institutional mechanism of programme management, including the creation of a responsible agency or agencies. The management structure should be based in the National Planning Ministry of government. Establishment of an effective mechanism would be likely to inspire donor confidence; and ‘homecoming’ would no longer be a nightmare for potential returnees trying to reintegrate.

The Journal is published and distributed by Wiley Online Library.