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Join IOM on World Environment Day to Support the Protection of Rights in a Changing Climate

Group of women carrying water in dessert. Dollow/Somalia, IOM/Claudia Rosel Barrios 2022
Group of women carrying water in dessert. Dollow/Somalia, IOM/Claudia Rosel Barrios 2022

World Environment Day (5 June) celebrated this year under the theme Our Land, Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration, provides a space to reflect on collective actions – and their relevance – to restore land, combat desertification and enhance resilience to drought.

The world is witnessing an unprecedented surge in drought, land degradation, and desertification, exacerbated by climate change. Over the past two years, nearly 2 billion people have lived under conditions of drought, the vast majority in low- and middle-income countries. The impacts of climate change are driving levels of intense and frequent droughts to new heights, undermining the coping and adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities. Moreover, the long-term consequences of desertification and land degradation are eroding livelihoods and forcing communities to seek new homes. In 2023, of the 26.4 million new internal displacements recorded in the context of disasters, approximately 500,000 were related to drought.

In this context, protecting the most vulnerable and marginalized groups from the adverse effects of climate change, disasters and environmental degradation is of utmost importance. Human mobility and land restoration both relate to the respect, protection and fulfilment of the rights of people to live in dignity, security and freedom, and the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. That is why IOM remains steadfast in its commitment to climate action, which in its essence is protection action. 

As the leading agency in Climate Mobility, with over three decades of robust expertise, IOM develops solutions for people who want to stay, for those on the move, and for those who have to move due to the adverse effects of climate change.

Discover how IOM works to ensure that individuals in vulnerable situations, exposed to adverse effects of climate change, can make informed and dignified mobility decisions:


Explore IOM's Key Messages on Environmental Migration and Protection 

Find out more about the strong intersection between protection and environmental migration in IOM's thematic paper below. Underscoring the centrality of protection in IOM's climate action, the paper outlines IOM's vision in this area and presents case studies from the field.

                   Read the recently launched thematic paper on this

Echoing the words of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) “It is our duty, as the current generation, to protect the environment and restore land and nature to their natural state.” Urgent action is required to reduce the risk of displacement and address immobility through anticipatory action, preparedness and adaptation. Working on prevention now is the most effective protection investment for the future.

Inaction is not an option. We are #GenerationRestoration