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Migrant women wearing a colorful floral garnment © International Organization for Migration
Organized in collaboration with the UN’s Migration Network Hub, the event aimed to enhance knowledge sharing and collaboration on the topic of child trafficking.
Climate change intensifies in Northwestern Nigeria © International Organization for Migration 2024
Multi-partner side event on Climate Mobility, hosted at the IOM Pavilion, brought together experts to discuss climate change, migration, and human trafficking at COP29.
Participants of the roundtable event
IOM gathered stakeholders and IOM country offices for a pivotal regional roundtable event on countering human trafficking and exploitation related to the war in Ukraine.
IOM, CoP29 side event flyer
Join IOM at CoP29 side event to understand the nexus between climate change, migration, displacement and risks to human trafficking.
© 2024 University of Geneva
Registration is open for the University of Geneva's upcoming webinar on Comparative and Regional Practices in Child Abduction.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons | Join Collaborative Efforts and Tools
Research reveals that child trafficking is a global issue affecting all demographics. Join us as we mark World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WDATiP), which this year focuses on the theme "Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking".
IPPN knowledge cafe media card
IOM participated in the IPPN Knowledge Café on "Leveraging Migration for Accelerated Sustainable Development Outcomes", an event that was part of the joint IOM-UNDP global programme “Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development”.
Invitation on HLPF's side event
Join the Side Event of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), set to take place on Wednesday 17 July 2024, to urge accelerated action to end child trafficking.
Maiduguri, Nigeria, Muse Mohammed/IOM
The IOM and University of Geneva Children’s Rights Academy hosted a webinar on 15 July 2024, to discuss research and best practices in ending child trafficking, emphasizing global efforts to protect child rights.
Two women migrant.
Join IOM on 56th session of Human Rights Council side event on Advancing the human rights of migrant women returnees through gender-responsive reintegration services.
Group of women carrying water in dessert. Dollow/Somalia, IOM/Claudia Rosel Barrios 2022
IOM remains steadfast in its commitment to climate action. On this year's World Environment Day, explore its recently released materials supporting the protection of migrants' rights in a changing climate.
2024 UN Behavioural Science Week Poster
The UN Behavioural Science Group is excited to announce the 6th annual UN Behavioural Science (BeSci) Week, set to take place from June 3rd to 7th, 2024. Learn how 38 UN Entities are leveraging behavioural science in 15 webinars, free and open to anyone.
For Charlin, a 28-year-old Venezuelan trans woman, the path to self-discovery led her to a new life in Brazil, where she advocates for the rights of LGBTQ+ migrants. ©IOM Gema Cortes
On 17 May the Platform joins the actions to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).
Centre communautaire polyvalent de l'initiative conjointe de l'UE et de l'OIM. © OIM 2021
La principale section des Ressources de la Plateforme de Protection des Migrants héberge maintenant plus de 1 000 publications, toutes disponibles pour consultation publique.
A group of IDP women attend a community discussion in Baidoa, Somalia. Credits: IOM
Join IOM at the 2024 Humanitarian Network and Partnerships Week on the 8th of May, and explore areas of opportunity for integrated and joint work on accountability to affected populations.
Happy, beneficiary of the return and reintegration assistance from IOM, now supports both the agricultural cooperative and owns a software shop in Lilongwe. IOM / Beyond Borders Media 2022
The webinar centred on examining the most recent research findings and perspectives regarding the reintegration of returnees.
A victim of trafficking, in her beauty salon, following the IOM reintegration program. © Sibylle Desjardins / IOM
IOM marked a significant milestone with the launch of the Gender-Based Violence in Crisis Framework (GBViC Framework) at the regional level in the Middle East and North Africa.
Journée de récolte avec des femmes migrantes dans les cultures communautaires du Centro AMOR de l'OIM Equateur. © IOM 2022 / Ramiro Aguilar Villamarín
En cette Journée Internationale des Femmes, nous faisons écho à l'appel de l'OIM pour investir dans les femmes et les filles migrantes, déplacées et de la diaspora, dans toute leur diversité.
The cross-regional workshop in Abidjan on voluntary return and sustainable reintegration
L’OIM a mené un atelier interrégional de coordination technique de trois jours en Côte d’Ivoire, afin de favoriser la coopération entre les parties prenantes impliquées dans le retour volontaire et la réintégration durable des migrants en Afrique.
A female migrant engages in a tapestry MHPSS activity on International Women Day 2023. © IOM 2023/Eva SIBANDA
On 22nd February 2024, the Migrant Protection Platform hosted the public webinar "Mental Health and Psychosocial Perspectives on Migration, Return and Reintegration".