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The relationship between migration and development is a key topic for research and policy. Earlier pessimistic perspectives focused on the threat to development of poorer countries through the loss of human resources. Recently, a more optimistic view has been...
Rejected asylum seekers often resist the legal obligation to return. Consequently, European policy makers tasked with migration managament have turned to so-called ‘Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes’ (AVRRs) to incentivize return to and...
Le projet régional d’étude sur «les mobilités des enfants et des jeunes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre» est une initiative inter-agences inédite dans la sous-région. Porté par 8 agences régionales, le projet a été mis en oeuvre durant sa première phase...
The increasing number of refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants poses a challenge for mental health services in Europe. This review found that these groups are exposed to risk factors for mental disorders before, during and after migration. The...
This EMN Inform presents the results of assist migrants to return and to support their reintegration. The Inform constitutes an update of the ‘Overview: Incentives to return to a third country and support provided to migrants for their reintegration.
This Synthesis Report summaries the main findings of the National Reports for the EMN Study on Programmes and Strategies in the EU Member States fostering Assisted Return to and Reintegration in Third Countries undertaken by EMN National Contact Points from 22...
This brief examines the policies, practices, and contextual factors that make compulsory returns such a difficult issue for international cooperation. It lays out the many perspectives migration policymakers must attempt to reconcile when considering returns...
European asylum systems are producing increasing numbers of rejected asylum seekers who have proved difficult to return to their countries of origin. Deportation systems are expensive, politically complex and have been criticised on humanitarian grounds...
The purpose of the present document is to consider the nexus between migration and development from the perspective of research in the social and human sciences and to contribute and enhance the knowledge base available for policy design and implementation at...
A study on "best practices in the field of the return of minors" was carried out by ECRE, in strategic partnership with Save the Children, on behalf of the European Commission. The study looked at legislation and practice regarding the return of children...
We are in the midst of a profound ‘returns-first’ shift in the global politics of child displacement. In response to soaring numbers of displaced worldwide –68.5 million, of which more than half are children – governments around the world are increasingly...
This thesis focuses on Brazilian migrants who have resided in Belgium and who returned to Brazil through the system of voluntary return. The thesis investigates if and how these returnees become actors of development in their home region in Brazil. This...
The current thesis seeks to analyse if rejected asylum seekers, who return from Norway to Russia, do have possibilities for successful reintegration in their home region and if their return is sustainable. Research also aims to reveal main obstacles for...
The objective of this study is to increase understandings of reintegration, including an examination of the processes of reintegration, and how different return migrants reintegrate. The primary research question guiding the study is: How, and to what extent...
This thesis takes a transnational and multidimensional approach in order to overcome the dichotomies, generalizations and empirical shortcomings that surround the understanding of return migration within the migration–development–peace-building nexus. It uses...
Governments in reception countries embrace (voluntary) assisted returns for several reasons. Such returns are seen as more humane, less costly and they spark less controversy than forced returns. For the rejected migrants themselves, voluntary assisted return...
Migrating children is not a new phenomenon: children have fled their homes for centuries to reach safe havens away from poverty, conflict, and disaster. With increased globalization, escalated global warming, and transitioning economies, we are likely to see...
The purpose of this study is to provide an updated overview of children and youth as specific (albeit non-homogenous) groups in mixed migration flows within, through and from the Horn of Africa. The report does not purport to be exhaustive, but rather to act...
Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) is a central component of European Union (EU) member states migration management policies and has grown in popularity over the past two decades. At present, all EU member states have active AVR programmes, however, despite the...
In 2015 the International Organization for Migration (IOM) identified almost 1,200 trafficked migrants working in slave-like conditions on fishing boats in East Indonesia. The IOM helped the migrants and offered to cover the cost of repatriation to their...