Unlawfully entering or illegally staying aliens are issued a return decision, which sets a period for voluntary departure during which an alien must depart on his own. A decision on expulsion is issues to aliens who fail to leave within the prescribed period...
Return migration is an integral and significant element in the cycle of international migration. In recent years, it has received increased focus from host and origin countries because both groups are interested in leveraging return migration to their economic...
Over the last decade, migrant children from Uganda’s north-eastern region of Karamoja have become increasingly common in the streets of Kampala and other urban centres in Uganda. These children are highly visible, vulnerable and clearly living in extreme...
The second EMN Focussed Study 2012 reflects on challenges in establishing the identity of (rejected) applicants for international protection in Austria, both in the asylum procedure and the procedure to implement forced return.
This study focuses on the experience of re-migration. It uses the narratives of 32 adults, emigrants from Israel who intended to stay abroad permanently, but eventually returned, to explore central themes. Among the themes which emerged from the narratives are...
This study focuses on Austria’s policies and practices regarding unaccompanied minors following the determination of their residence status. It explores support and integration measures for unaccompanied minors once their residence status has been established...
This paper is part of the IOM Migration Research Leaders Syndicate’s contribution toward the Global Compact for Migration. It is one of 26 papers that make up a consolidated Syndicate publication, which focuses on proposing ways to address complex and pressing...
The purpose of this study, “Assessing the Risks of Migration along the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Routes: Iraq and Nigeria as Case Study Countries” is to give breadth to the concept of “safe migration” by analysing patterns of migration and return from...
In 2013, massive labour migrants were deported from Saudi Arabia as a consequence of the Nitaqat programme, which aimed to increase job opportunities for Saudi citizens. Neighbouring Yemen has been most affected by the programme, with almost 600,000 Yemenis...
Among the different stages of the migration process, return is the one which is least well understood. The motives guiding return cannot be easily categorized and are highly context dependent (Bastia, 2011). Scholars and policymakers have focused on...
This study describes the role of entry bans and readmission agreements to support Austria's return policy. Legal regulations concerning entry bans are examined, particularly in connection with return decisions. Various aspects regarding the practical...
A partir da última década do século passado, a migração internacional surgiu como tema de grande importância para o Brasil e para Portugal. Enquanto o primeiro passou a ser um país de emigração o segundo tornou-se um dos países de destino mais importante da...
The research deals with the socio-economic reintegration of Ethiopian women return migrants from Arabian Gulf countries. It examines the lived experiences of women who migrate to these countries and then return to their home country. How female returnees make...
The global study, Invisible Women: Gendered Dimensions of Return, Reintegration and Rehabilitation, conducted in partnership with the International Civil Society Action Network, responds to a pressing need for action-oriented research that improves our...
In addition to analyzing the promise of and barriers to closer cooperation, this brief also outlines what needs to be done to reconcile the differing goals and approaches at the heart of the development and migration-management fields. If this can be done, the...
The relationship between migration and development is a key topic for research and policy. Earlier pessimistic perspectives focused on the threat to development of poorer countries through the loss of human resources. Recently, a more optimistic view has been...
Rejected asylum seekers often resist the legal obligation to return. Consequently, European policy makers tasked with migration managament have turned to so-called ‘Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes’ (AVRRs) to incentivize return to and...
Le projet régional d’étude sur «les mobilités des enfants et des jeunes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre» est une initiative inter-agences inédite dans la sous-région. Porté par 8 agences régionales, le projet a été mis en oeuvre durant sa première phase...
The increasing number of refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants poses a challenge for mental health services in Europe. This review found that these groups are exposed to risk factors for mental disorders before, during and after migration. The...
This EMN Inform presents the results of assist migrants to return and to support their reintegration. The Inform constitutes an update of the ‘Overview: Incentives to return to a third country and support provided to migrants for their reintegration.