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Con el fin de comprender mejor los contextos de retorno y reintegración en México y el Norte de Centroamérica, la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) ha realizado una serie de estudios a nivel país y a nivel región. El presente informe...
Este Protocolo, desarrollado por la OIM México en coordinación con el gobierno del estado de Puebla a través del Instituto Poblano de Asistencia al Migrante y el Instituto Nacional de Migración, delegación Puebla, es una herramienta que promueve el acceso a...
Con el fin de comprender mejor los contextos de retorno y reintegración en México y el Norte de Centroamérica, la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) ha realizado una serie de estudios a nivel país y a nivel región. El presente informe...
Circular labour migration is frequently portrayed as a gender-neutral phenomenon. Despite the growing literature on the feminization of migration, scholarly and policy literature is often gender-blind. In Nepal, over the last decade, the share of women migrant...
In India, the major drivers of both internal and international migration are the prevailing unemployment, competitive labour market and enhanced livelihood prospects in the destination state or country. However, the nationwide lockdown and the sealing of inter...
This first annual monitoring report of the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) Programs in Mexico and North of Central America countries, informed by five earlier summary reports, has two primary objectives. The first goal is to present mobility flow trends of...
Under this study, IOM proposes to explore the different aspects of returnees’ debt, considering both economic debts and their transformation into "social" debts. The findings of first studies (2018–2019) conducted under the DFID regional programme, including...
Cette étude a été commandée dans le cadre du Pôle de Gestion des Connaissances de l'UE-OIM dans le cadre du projet «Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration», financé par l'Union européenne et mis en œuvre par l'OIM. Les...
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes and stand-alone Reintegration Assistance programmes play a key role in supporting the immediate and mid-to-long-term needs of returning migrants and their sustainable reintegration in a country of origin...
In early 2020 UNDP undertook a study to map the journey that Afghans take in their return from Pakistan, and the services they need or access along the way, with the aim of identifying gaps in service provision. This study aimed to identify approaches to...
Authored by Maruja M.B. Asis, this Migration Research Series paper provides an overview of the repatriation of overseas Filipino workers under the COVID-19 pandemic. While noting the Philippines' good practices and guidelines that have helped the Government to...
This chapter explores the initial impacts of the microbusiness management training offered by IOM to migrants in transit back to their countries through the Niger. Due to the increased number of migrants expelled from Algeria to the Niger since 2018, there has...
The study addresses the factors that influence the decisions of internally displaced persons living in the KRI to remain, emigrate or return to their places of origin. The outcome of the study was published in a report which also highlights the issue of onward...
The migrant population in the People’s Republic of China grew steadily over 30 years before showing signs of decline in the last 5 years. In the paper, push and pull factors identified were associated with the availability of assets both in migration...
The study, conducted in collaboration with the Samuel Hall think tank and the University of Sussex under the FCDO-funded ORION Project, analyses outcomes of reintegration in three fieldwork countries (Guinea, Morocco, and Senegal), combined with analysis of...
The research report presents the results of the “Project Migrants Interested in Returning” (PRIM), which was carried out at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in 2019 on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)...
This paper, commissioned by the International Centre for Nurse Migration, focuses on some of the challenges and the opportunities created by migration of nurses, specifically focusing on the issue of return. Divided into five main sections, the paper looks at...
This is a study about the return of migrants to their countries of origin and their subsequent reintegration experiences. By using qualitative research tools, this thesis aims to respond to the research question: What factors shape returnees’ (re)integration...
This paper provides a state-of-the-art literature review and is intended to stimulate discussions around some of the most salient issues concerning the relationship between migration, return, and development. It outlines the operational framework and research...
Prompted by the lack of child-focused migration research, and concerns about a possible impact of repatriation on children’s psychosocial health, UNICEF decided to explore how repatriation and reintegration realities interact with children’s mental health...