This call for applications primarily targets monitoring and evaluation practitioners working on return and reintegration. Priority will be given to candidates working in Northern Africa, Sahel and Lake Chad, the Horn of Africa and Bangladesh.
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This policy guide provides overarching guidance on the core principles and approaches for the successful design and formulation of policies on returns and reintegration by the member states of the Bali Process. The policy guide should be used in conjunction with the Bali Process Thematic Brief on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR), produced...
This document presents an analysis of interviews conducted with all individuals assisted in their voluntary return by IOM between 2017 and June 2021 (118,360) to one of the 23 countries covered by the West and Central Africa region (WCA). The analysis combines datasets from both Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) and Voluntary Humanitarian...
This web-based toolkit contains guidance material, tools and design information, with a particular focus on centres established as part of Migrant Resource and Response Mechanisms (MRRMs) in countries transited by migrants.
The webinar was jointly organized by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) and the International Organization for Migration.
The development of the Toolkit and the identification of good practices were coordinated by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) with the financial support of the European Union (EU), in collaboration with Samuel Hall, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships and Save the Children.
Cette étude a été commandée dans le cadre du Pôle de Gestion des Connaissances de l'UE-OIM dans le cadre du projet «Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration», financé par l'Union européenne et mis en œuvre par l'OIM. Les deux ont reconnu que si la compréhension et les preuves de la réintégration durable des adultes se...
This call for applications primarily targets French-speaking reintegration practitioners working in the field of reintegration in in the Northern Africa, Sahel and Lake Chad, the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
This report is part of the outputs under the European Union funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”. The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and forced displacement in...
This report is part of the outputs under the European Union funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”. The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and forced displacement in...
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes and stand-alone Reintegration Assistance programmes play a key role in supporting the immediate and mid-to-long-term needs of returning migrants and their sustainable reintegration in a country of origin. In the context of such efforts and within the framework of a project funded by the IOM Development...
This report gives a broad overview of IOM return and reintegration trends, developments and related activities in 2020 with a breakdown of summary statistics on regional and country levels. It also illustrates innovative practices adopted by IOM offices worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing the Organization to continue providing return and...
IOM released key highlights from its Return and Reintegration programmes, including trends, figures and initiatives and efforts to assist and reintegrate migrants returning voluntarily to their countries of origin during the past year.
Acting as a dynamic source of knowledge, the repository of resources is one of the key features of the Platform. It gathers in one single place hundreds of reports, guidelines, manuals, podcasts, articles, studies, etc. related to return and reintegration published from year 2000 onwards.
The webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, presented key lessons and practices from the Joint Complementary Mechanism for Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE), a project funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and co-financed by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF) aiming to contribute to a more...
During the webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, the ORION project team together with mentors and Samuel Hall presented the results achieved as well as the lessons learnt and good practices that could be replicated elsewhere through this approach. The webinar was also the occasion to present a new video on the ORION mentoring approach...
The webinar presented key lessons and practices from the Joint Complementary Mechanism for Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE), a project funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and co-financed by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF).
During the two-day event, government representatives from Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia as well as representatives of the EU and IOM experts discussed the link between safe return, sustainable reintegration and sustainable development and ways to strengthen return and reintegration policies in North Africa.
Au cours du webinaire, l’équipe du projet ORION, en collaboration avec des mentors et Samuel Hall, a présenté les résultats obtenus ainsi que les leçons apprises et les bonnes pratiques qui pourraient être reproduites ailleurs grâce à cette approche. Le webinaire a également été l'occasion de présenter une nouvelle vidéo sur l'approche d’accompagnement de...
The widespread impact of COVID-19 on global human mobility due to travel restrictions, border closures and lockdown measures to curb the spread of the virus left millions of migrants stranded across the world. In a September 2020 report on COVID-19’s Impact on Migrants, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Return Task Force detailed the plight...