More than six million people have been deported from the United States since 1996. The Dominican Republic is one of the top ten countries to which deportees are sent. Most scholarship on deportation focuses on the challenges deportees face post-deportation. There is also a long history of scholarship on how migrants draw from social, human and financial...
Santé et appui psychosocial
Affichage 141 - 160 des 336
This fourth Knowledge Bite builds on findings from the second Knowledge Bite, which found that returnees who received direct assistance had higher satisfaction levels and higher reintegration sustainability scores than those who received assistance through referrals. This study sought to complement these findings on referrals by collecting qualitative...
This study sought to complement these findings on referrals by collecting qualitative information to provide insights into the reasons behind the negative effect of referrals on reintegration sustainability outcomes and satisfaction.
Ce cours en ligne consacré au Manuel sur la réintégration est divisé en six modules. Il est destiné à tous les praticiens de la réintégration, des concepteurs de projet aux parties prenantes de la société civile en passant par le personnel chargé de la réintégration, les chargés du suivi et de l...
Under the framework of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH), the seminar "Fostering and strengthening interlinkages between sustainable development and reintegration programmes" was held on 1 and 2 December, 2021. During this event key interlinkages between reintegration and development were discussed, and experiences acquired from the implementation...
El documento pone a disposición de las y los profesionales que brindan servicios de salud mental, tanto a las personas retornadas de forma directa como a la población en la que se integran, conocimientos fundamentales sobre el contexto teórico, normativo y de acción a seguir para contribuir de manera efectiva a la reintegración de las personas salvadoreñas...
La "Guía de atención psicosocial para personas migrantes retornadas en condición de vulnerabilidad y víctimas de trata" se desarrolló como parte del proyecto "Reintegración de Personas Migrantes Retornadas y Víctimas de Trata en El Salvador". La guía tiene especial énfasis en la protección y asistencia a personas migrantes retornadas y víctimas de trata de...
La presente guía explica el paso a paso de las actividades a realizar en las jornadas de los grupos de atención psicosocial. Es un documento complementario al "Manual para facilitadoras y facilitadores de grupos de atención psicosocial para promover la reintegración de personas retornadas a nivel comunitario". Ambos documentos buscan proveer a las...
Con el fin de comprender mejor los contextos de retorno y reintegración en México y el Norte de Centroamérica, la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) ha realizado una serie de estudios a nivel país y a nivel región. El presente informe contiene los resultados del estudio realizado con personas migrantes y personal de instituciones...
Este informe resume los resultados de las encuestas de 67 personas beneficiarias del Programa de Retorno Voluntario Asistido (RVA) de la OIM, asistidas de mayo a julio de 2021. Entre uno y tres meses después del retorno, los equipos de monitoreo de México, Guatemala, Belice y El Salvador formularon a cada migrante entre 24 y 33 preguntas. Las encuestas se...
A webinar session on “Monitoring the sustainable reintegration of child returnees: introducing a new practical tool ” was jointly organized by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) and the International Organization to present the newly launched Monitoring Toolkit and Good Practices for the Sustainable...
This Practitioner Guide presents existing research and evidence on the recovery and reintegration of trafficking victims, including challenges faced and practices that can be mobilized to enhance reintegration outcomes. It is part of the NEXUS/RSO Practitioner Guide series: Improving the Identification, Protection and Reintegration of Trafficking Victims in...
The Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series, launched in October 2020, aims to present findings pertaining to sustainable reintegration outcomes emerging from analyses based on the Reintegration Sustainability Survey data and other monitoring and evaluation (M&E) data centrally available on IOM’s institutional case management system.
This third Knowledge Bite explores the reintegration outcomes and satisfaction levels of migrants assisted to return from South Africa to Mozambique and Malawi under the Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration funded by the European Union and implemented by IOM. It analyses different reintegration outcomes between the...
The webinar was jointly organized by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) and the International Organization for Migration.
Le documentaire souligne l'importance de l'aide au retour volontaire et à la réintégration adaptée aux besoins des migrants de retour. Il met en évidence la protection, la réintégration et la santé mentale et le soutien psychosocial que l'OIM fournit aux migrants qui décident de revenir dans leurs pays d’origine.
Cette étude a été commandée dans le cadre du Pôle de Gestion des Connaissances de l'UE-OIM dans le cadre du projet «Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration», financé par l'Union européenne et mis en œuvre par l'OIM. Les deux ont reconnu que si la compréhension et les preuves de la réintégration durable des adultes se...
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programmes and stand-alone Reintegration Assistance programmes play a key role in supporting the immediate and mid-to-long-term needs of returning migrants and their sustainable reintegration in a country of origin. In the context of such efforts and within the framework of a project funded by the IOM Development...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration has been at the forefront of prevention and response efforts, adapting its programmes to continue delivering assistance and protecting vulnerable migrants across the Sahel and Lake Chad region, Horn of Africa, and North Africa.
A large proportion of migrants who return voluntarily from the Netherlands with IOM are families with minor children. This toolkit provides guidance to IOM staff how they can help parents prepare their children for return. Returning to the country of origin, or rather ‘leaving the Netherlands’ – since some children were born here or came to the Netherlands...