Overall, the project is aimed at strengthening the foundations of peace by fostering positive economic and social interdependencies between returnees and host community members by facilitating sustainable and holistic reintegration that will contribute to enhanced social cohesion and inclusion. Furthermore, it aims to create an opportunity for increased...
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A new booklet brings together stories and testimonies from EU-IOM Joint Initiative partners and beneficiaries, highlighting key achievements to date.
The counsellors in this project provide information on existing return and reintegration programmes and help migrants organize their return journey, assisting them in the reintegration phase. They might advise them on job opportunities in their countries of origin or accompany them to return counselling centres for the voluntary return application process...
‘Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan’ is an initiative under the TVET Sector Support Programme that offers reintegration assistance to Pakistani returnees and Pakistani nationals, particularly young adults, who return to their home country voluntarily. This initiative supports returnees and the local Pakistanis (non-returnees) by offering them quick and...
The “Skills for Reintegration” project works with targeted pilot measures in The Gambia, Niger, Kyrgyzstan and Mexico. The project supports migrants and displaced people in making the decision to return to their home country voluntarily and reintegrate into society there. It is part of the overall approach by the German Federal Ministry for Economic...
The initiative aims at supporting the return and reintegration of Georgians from France (including family members), who are eligible for the OFII’s assisted voluntary return programme and whose state of health requires a medical care available in Georgia, during the journey and/or after their return to Georgia. This scheme is implemented by the International...
The return and readmission of migrants to their countries of origin, or third countries, and their reintegration into the societies and communities that receive them, are natural features of international mobility. More than ever, migration today is not a linear phenomenon starting with emigration and ending with permanent settlement in a new country. Rather...
The study presents key findings of two combined research projects aimed at highlighting the differences in reintegration outcomes among returnees.
This training curriculum has been developed to complement the Reintegration Handbook and is based on IOM’s Integrated Approach to Reintegration and the Reintegration Handbook. The training curriculum is composed of 6 face-to-face training modules (adaptable to online sessions).
Since May 2017, IOM has electronically registered 421,709 returnees Ethiopians, this factsheet presents their profiles, as well as key data pertaining return and reintegration in the KSA. Background: In April 2017, the Government of Saudi Arabia launched a campaign titled ‘A Nation without Violations’, granting all irregular migrants an amnesty period of 90...
Esta sistematización muestra el trabajo realizado por la OIM El Salvador en un programa para la reinserción cultural de migrantes retornados llamado Mi nueva Vida Es. El objetivo fue brindar a la población salvadoreña retornada sin arraigo atención inmediata y el acompañamiento necesario para permitir un proceso digno basado en el pleno goce de sus derechos...
El documento pone a disposición de las y los profesionales que brindan servicios de salud mental, tanto a las personas retornadas de forma directa como a la población en la que se integran, conocimientos fundamentales sobre el contexto teórico, normativo y de acción a seguir para contribuir de manera efectiva a la reintegración de las personas salvadoreñas...
This first annual monitoring report of the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) Programs in Mexico and North of Central America countries, informed by five earlier summary reports, has two primary objectives. The first goal is to present mobility flow trends of AVR program beneficiaries to and from El Salvador, Guatemala–Belize, Honduras and Mexico since...
A large proportion of migrants who return voluntarily from the Netherlands with IOM are families with minor children. This toolkit provides guidance to IOM staff how they can help parents prepare their children for return. Returning to the country of origin, or rather ‘leaving the Netherlands’ – since some children were born here or came to the Netherlands...
During the webinar, organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub, the ORION project team together with mentors and Samuel Hall presented the results achieved as well as the lessons learnt and good practices that could be replicated elsewhere through this approach. The webinar was also the occasion to present a new video on the ORION mentoring approach...
During the webinar, the ORION project team together with mentors and Samuel Hall presented the results achieved as well as the lessons learnt and good practices that could be replicated elsewhere through this approach. The webinar was also the occasion to present a new video on the ORION mentoring approach.
Der Reintegrationsunterstützung kommt eine Schlüsselrolle zu, um Migrantinnen und Migranten, die in ihre Herkunftsländer zurückkehren, eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Rückkehr zu ermöglichen. Sowohl die Rückkehrentscheidung und -planung als auch die Reintegration im Herkunftsland umfassen einen längeren Prozess, bei dem sich die Betroffenen zumeist mit...
This handbook provides practical training and advice for front-line professionals involved in the design, implementation and review of Life Projects, as defined in Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)9 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on life projects for unaccompanied migrant minors.
Since 2015, returnees returning to a selected number of countries within the Belgian AVRR programme, funded by Fedasil, can receive additional support in being linked to trainings or employment opportunities available locally. The main objective of the programme is to support returning migrants as they reintegrate economically into their country of origin...
The Country Specific Approaches towards a more sustainable reintegration project aims to develop an integrated approach towards reintegration within the Belgian Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programme. This will be done through initiatives which focus on enhancing sustainable socio-economic reintegration, and integrates provisions to...