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Job Placement and Country Specific Activities

Belarus, El Salvador, Georgia, Mongolia
Asia and the Pacific, Central and North America and the Caribbean, South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Past activities
Start and End Date
1 January – 31 December 2021




Contact Info

Karel Michiels,

Since 2015, returnees returning to a selected number of countries within the Belgian AVRR programme, funded by Fedasil, can receive additional support in being linked to trainings or employment opportunities available locally.

The main objective of the programme is to support returning migrants as they reintegrate economically into their country of origin. To fully assess and address the needs of each individual migrant, extensive counselling is provided during the pre-departure phase in Belgium as well as during the reintegration process in the countries of origin. Migrants receive up-to-date information on vacancies and training opportunities in their countries of origin.

The IOM missions in the countries of origin maintain close contact and develop partnerships with job employment agencies and training institutes in the public and private sector to refer migrants depending on their skills and specific interests. The IOM Job counsellors in the countries of origin provide individualized counselling and long-term follow-up to enhance the skills of returnees and to actively assist with finding employment opportunities.

Return stories and video testimonies are developed to show the socio-economic challenges linked to reintegration and employment to a broader audience (return counselors, migrant communities, social media, etc.)

Activities under Job Placement project 2021:

  • Virtual counseling with Focal Points in Countries of Origin than can provide detailed information on training and employment opportunities.
  • Online and in-person group trainings on reintegration, psychosocial care and entrepreneurship (El Salvador)
  • Development of online training modules on entrepreneurship (marketing, etc.) and vocational training (sewing, etc.) in partnership with local municipality (Mongolia)
  • Long-term impact report on Reintegration and Job Placement outcomes 2016-2019 AVRR Belgian caseload and provision of group training on career development with local partners (Georgia)
  • Update and translation of Job Search manual for returning migrants (Belarus)