Explore the recently launched report and delve into the nature and prevalence of vulnerabilities that heighten the risk of human trafficking among Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Romania.
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
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This report delves into the nature and prevalence of vulnerabilities that heighten the risk of human trafficking among Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Romania. It focuses on Ukrainian nationals who were forced to flee their homes following the full-scale invasion in February 2022. The primary aim of this research, led by IOM (as co-chair of the Europe...
This Information Note is designed to serve as a resource for practitioners dealing with migration detention and non-custodial alternatives to detention (ATDs). It aims to acquaint them with the relevant international instruments and standards that States are required to uphold in this field. The purpose of this Information Note is to provide an overview of...
Since April 2023, people in Sudan continue to face all forms of protection concerns and a worsening protection crisis, with women, girls, men and boys in situations of vulnerability experiencing the worst consequences. Approximately 2.3 million people have fled to neighbouring countries namely, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, and...
Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10...
Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10...
This course is designed to equip IOM personnel involved or interested in counter-trafficking, protection and beyond with the core knowledge and essential skills to effectively address this global phenomenon, respond to its challenges and safeguard the rights of trafficked persons. The course is free and available for IOM personnel (in English) all year.
IOM has been increasingly focusing on innovative approaches to identify and mitigate trafficking risks, including effective digital and route-based prevention methods.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, encompassing the protection of LGBTI individuals from discrimination, violence, and torture. Despite this, widespread human rights violations against LGBTI people persist globally. The United Nations, alongside regional and national human...
Join IOM on 56th session of Human Rights Council side event on Advancing the human rights of migrant women returnees through gender-responsive reintegration services.
The course provides you with an introduction to preventing and combating human trafficking and forced labour in United Nations (UN) Supply Chains through a series of five modules.
The main repository of the Migrant Protection Platform hosts now over 1,000 publications, all of them available for public consultation.
La Coordinación de Abordaje de la Violencia por Razones de Género contra Personas Migrantes, enmarca sus acciones en el Plan Nacional de Acción y desarrolla diferentes líneas de trabajo con personas migrantes en situación de violencia de género. Además, articula con otros programas dentro del Ministerio de Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad y con otras áreas del...
Victims of trafficking are subjected to exploitation in various ways. Sometimes, as a result of their victimization, they engage in illegal conduct. Common examples include involvement in the sex trade, involvement in drug production or trafficking, petty crime, possession or the use of fraudulent documents or entering another country in a manner that does...
From as far back as 2004, both national and international non-governmental organizations have drawn attention to the commercial sexual exploitation of girls and young women practiced openly and with impunity in communities affected by extractive industries, among them the logging industry. This phenomenon occurs, in significant part, through the informal...
La Fase II de la Evaluación, realiza una sistematización y análisis cualitativo de 25 entrevistas a gestores/as de casos que prestan servicios de atención directa a migrantes en situación de vulnerabilidad en toda la región, en las fronteras terrestres y marítimas de mayor volumen de tránsito de migrantes en la actualidad, asistiendo directamente a personas...
IOM’s Approach to Protection reflects shared thinking and common understanding of the Organization’s approach to protection across operational contexts. This document articulates IOM’s approach to protection and is intended to support a consistent, coherent and accountable role for IOM on protection. It also serves as a reference 1 for the development of...
These Guidelines are intended mainly for individual, non-clinical case managers providing direct support and assistance to migrants with protection and assistance needs, including children. Recognizing that case management for children requires specialized training and different approaches, there is a separate section on child protection case management. The...
IOM is committed to combating GBV by mitigating GBV risks, addressing its root causes, promoting gender equality and supporting survivors.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and best practice examples for airlines to address trafficking in persons (which is also known as human trafficking) as part of a multi-stakeholder approach across the aviation value change. The guide is not intended to endorse any current regulation, nor to provide any mandatory requirements. The intended...