The study was undertaken in 2022 by the KMH in collaboration with Samuel Hall and the University of Sussex. It builds on previous research on debt and reintegration by analyzing returnees’ and their households’ experiences with debt in five countries.
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The sixth issue of the Sustainable Reintegration Knowledge Bites Series on "Longitudinal Evidence on Sustainable Reintegration Outcomes" is now publicly available.
The study was undertaken in 2022 by the KMH with the financial support of the EU, in collaboration with Samuel Hall, the African Centre for Migration and Society at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
The IOM has published an additional module on Return Counselling of Children and their Families, developed in collaboration with UNICEF and Save the Children. The module is conceived as an integral part of the Return Counselling Toolkit.
These improvements specifically targeting the accessibility have been implemented while recognizing the rapid evolvement of the digital ecosystems and tools, and therefore the need to consider them as part of a continuous work in progress.
The evaluation, which was undertaken by an independent expert, assessed the performance and achievements of the KMH, with a special focus on providing findings on lessons learned and good practices.
Invitation to the Prottasha project closure event “Prottasha – Hope for Migrants” on 13th December 2022 from 9.30 am to 7.00pm (UTC +6).
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) hosted the public event "Building evidence and harmonizing approaches on reintegration: lessons from KMH", bringing together experts, practitioners and policymakers.
Invitation à l'événement public « Construire une approche harmonisée de la réintégration, fondée sur des données factuelles : leçons du KMH », qui examinera les leçons tirées du travail du KMH et réfléchira sur son apport aux politiques et aux programmes.
This consultation seeks to provide recommendations that can be utilized by practitioners to advance the work on inclusion of children affected by migration in national child protection systems.