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EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) releases its Final External Evaluation

Kateness migrated from Malawi to South Africa in search for better opportunities when she saw her cousin taking that same path. However once there, she didn't found what she hoped for. Having reached out to IOM, she was assisted with return and reintegration support. She attended business trainings and together with her mother she now runs a little castor oil production business in Blantyre. Credit  IOM / Beyond Borders Media 2022
Kateness migrated from Malawi to South Africa in search for better opportunities when she saw her cousin taking that same path. However once there, she didn't found what she hoped for. Having reached out to IOM, she was assisted with return and reintegration support. She attended business trainings and together with her mother she now runs a little castor oil production business in Blantyre. Credit IOM / Beyond Borders Media 2022

Following the public event on "Building evidence and harmonizing approaches on reintegration: lessons from KMH" held on 8 December 2022, the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) released the KMH final external evaluation. Click below to read it!



The evaluation, which was undertaken by an independent expert, assessed the performance and achievements of the KMH, with a special focus on providing findings on lessons learned and good practices. 

While its findings focus on the work of the KMH, the recommendations and lessons learnt can be applicable to a broader migrant protection, return and reintegration context and can inform future programming on these topics.

We are really pleased that the evaluation has confirmed that the KMH, among other aspects:  

  • Is based on a solid reading of the state of the art on return and reintegration and remains a relevant response to the needs of beneficiaries. 
  • Is concretely contributing to improving monitoring functions of return and reintegration programmes. 
  • Is concretely supporting a more articulated understanding of reintegration amongst its beneficiaries and contributing to establish more solid capacities
  • The Return and Reintegration Platform is a key visibility asset and is progressively positioning itself as a global point of reference on return and reintegration
  • The KMH guidance and tools accord adequate sensitivity to gender equality, human rights and vulnerability issues.


In addition, the evaluation generated conclusions and strategic recommendations to inform programme development in the field of migrant protection, return and reintegration overall, but also similar future interventions. These recommendations include: 


  • Ensuring sustainable reintegration prospects for the returning migrants requires more testing and learning to further consolidate models and practices
  • Results are more sustainable when they support the capacity of the partner countries to facilitate the social and economic integration of the returnees, with due consideration of the interlinkages between sustainable reintegration and local development dynamics, and of the perspective and capacities of the partner countries. 
  • The sustainability of current efforts on return and reintegration requires coordinated action between the players operating with a migration management perspective and those operating with a more development-oriented mindset.

We hope that these findings will help practitioners and policymakers advancing work in the field of migrant protection, return and reintegration for the benefit of all!