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Psychosocial wellbeing of returnees: introducing new tools for reintegration counselling. A webinar organized by the KMH

Psychosocial wellbeing of returnees: introducing new tools for reintegration counselling. A webinar organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub

A webinar session on “Psychosocial wellbeing of returnees: introducing new tools for reintegration counselling” took place on 3 December 2020.  Click here to access the recording!

The webinar discussed the importance of returnees’ psychosocial wellbeing during the reintegration process. In this frame, the online event introduced practical tools to adopt a psychosocial perspective to reintegration counselling and to ensure mental health and social wellbeing through remote working modalities.

Attention to the psychosocial dimension of reintegration, and the psychological, social and cultural challenges that reintegration presents, is an essential part of supporting migrants towards sustainable reintegration, especially in these pandemic times.

During this event, lessons learnt including experiences and practical cases from the use of recently developed guidelines were shared with participants by:

  • Mr. Guglielmo Schininà, Head, Mental Health, Psychosocial Response and Intercultural Communication,
    Migration Health Division
    IOM Regional Office for the European Economic Area, the European Union and NATO
  • Ms. Gaia Quaranta, Regional MHPSS Officer EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration
    IOM Regional Office for West and Central Africa
  • Dr. Hatem Marzouk, MHPSS Programme Coordinator
    IOM Iraq

A dedicated Q&A session followed the speakers' presentations.

Visit the webinar section of the Platform to learn more about the upcoming webinars and navigate across the recorded ones.

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